
Fit same model to many datasets in Python

Below I demonstrate a workflow for fitting the same model to many datasets in R by nesting datasets by test_id, and then fitting the same model to each dataset, and extracting a statistic from each model.

My goal is to create the equivalent workflow in Python, using polars, but I will use pandas if necessary.

Demonstration in R


SIMS <- 3
TRIALS <- 1e3
PROB_A <- .65
PROB_B <- .67

df <- bind_rows(
        recipe = "A", 
        trials = TRIALS,
        events = rbinom(n=SIMS, size=trials, prob=PROB_A),
        rate = events/trials) |> 
        mutate(test_id = 1:n()),
        recipe = "B", 
        trials = TRIALS,
        events = rbinom(n=SIMS, size=trials, prob=PROB_B),
        rate = events/trials) |> 
        mutate(test_id = 1:n())


enter image description here

df_nest <- df |> 
    group_by(test_id) |> 


enter image description here

Define two functions to map over my nested data:

glm_foo <- function(.data){
    glm(formula = rate ~ recipe, 
        data = .data, 
        weights = trials, 
        family = binomial) 


fit_and_extract <- function(.data){
    m <- glm(formula = rate ~ recipe, 
        data = .data, 
        weights = trials, 
        family = binomial) 

df_nest |> 
        model = map(.x = data, .f = glm_foo),
        trt_b = map_dbl(.x = data, .f = fit_and_extract)
test_id  data        model       trt_b                                                                        
<int>    <list>      <list>      <dbl>                                                                  
1        <tibble>    <S3: glm>   0.05606076  
2        <tibble>    <S3: glm>   0.11029236  
3        <tibble>    <S3: glm>   0.01304480  

#Python Section I can create the same nested data structure in polars, but I am unsure of how to fit the model to each nested dataset within the list column called data.

import polars as pl
from polars import col
import numpy as np

SIMS = 3
TRIALS = int(1e3)
PROB_A = .65
PROB_B = .67

df_a = pl.DataFrame({
        'recipe': "A", 
        'trials': TRIALS,
        'events': np.random.binomial(n=TRIALS, p=PROB_A, size=SIMS),
        'test_id': np.arange(SIMS)

df_b = pl.DataFrame({
        'recipe': "B", 
        'trials': TRIALS,
        'events': np.random.binomial(n=TRIALS, p=PROB_B, size=SIMS),
        'test_id': np.arange(SIMS)

df = (pl.concat([df_a, df_b], rechunk=True)
        fails = col('trials') - col('events')


enter image description here

df_agg = df.group_by('test_id').agg(data = pl.struct('events', 'fails', 'recipe'))


enter image description here

At this point my mental model of pandas starts to crumble. There are so many mapping options and I'm not really sure how to trouble shoot at this stage.

            lambda x: smf.glm('events + fails ~ recipe', family=sm.families.Binomial(), data=x.struct.field('data').to_pandas()).fit()

ComputeError: PatsyError: Error evaluating factor: TypeError: cannot use __getitem__ on Series of dtype List(Struct({'events': Int64, 'fails': Int64, 'recipe': String})) with argument 'recipe' of type 'str' events + fails ~ recipe


  • smf.glm() appears to want a Pandas DataFrame and the given formula can refer to column names.

    data = pd.DataFrame(dict(events=[630], fails=[370], recipe=["A"]))
    (smf.glm("events + fails ~ recipe", family=sm.families.Binomial(), data=data)
    # Intercept    4.448408e-16
    # dtype: float64


    When you pass a struct through a UDF, you get a Series:

    df.head(1).with_columns(pl.struct("events", "fails", "recipe").map_batches(print))
    shape: (1,)
    Series: "events" [struct[3]]

    Series.struct.unnest() will give you a DataFrame (which you can then call .to_pandas() on)

    shape: (1, 3)
    │ events ┆ fails ┆ recipe │
    │ ---    ┆ ---   ┆ ---    │
    │ i64    ┆ i64   ┆ str    │
    │ 630    ┆ 370   ┆ A      │


    I don't know R but it seems the difference in this case is that with Polars, creating a List would be the final step in the order of operations.

    Once you have a List, it's not as easy to execute such custom functionality for each element.

    So we would execute the function at the .agg() stage:

           data = pl.struct("events", "fails", "recipe"),
           glm  = pl.struct("events", "fails", "recipe").map_batches(lambda x: pl.Series(
                   formula = "events + fails ~ recipe", 
                   family = sm.families.Binomial(), 
                   data = x.struct.unnest().to_pandas()).fit().pvalues
    shape: (3, 3)
    │ test_id ┆ data                           ┆ glm                    │
    │ ---     ┆ ---                            ┆ ---                    │
    │ i64     ┆ list[struct[3]]                ┆ list[f64]              │
    │ 1       ┆ [{655,345,"A"}, {674,326,"B"}] ┆ [5.5700e-22, 0.368276] │
    │ 2       ┆ [{657,343,"A"}, {658,342,"B"}] ┆ [1.7233e-22, 0.962417] │
    │ 0       ┆ [{630,370,"A"}, {657,343,"B"}] ┆ [4.4486e-16, 0.207569] │

    Polars doesn"t recognize the return value of glm() but wrapping it with pl.Series() inside the callback gives us a list[f64].

    Window functions

    If you don't actually want to aggregate the DataFrame, you can use .over() instead.

        pl.struct("events", "fails", "recipe").map_batches(lambda x: pl.Series(
                formula = "events + fails ~ recipe", 
                family = sm.families.Binomial(), 
                data = x.struct.unnest().to_pandas()).fit().pvalues
    shape: (6, 6)
    │ recipe ┆ trials ┆ events ┆ test_id ┆ fails ┆ glm        │
    │ ---    ┆ ---    ┆ ---    ┆ ---     ┆ ---   ┆ ---        │
    │ str    ┆ i32    ┆ i64    ┆ i64     ┆ i64   ┆ f64        │
    │ A      ┆ 1000   ┆ 630    ┆ 0       ┆ 370   ┆ 4.4486e-16 │
    │ A      ┆ 1000   ┆ 655    ┆ 1       ┆ 345   ┆ 5.5700e-22 │
    │ A      ┆ 1000   ┆ 657    ┆ 2       ┆ 343   ┆ 1.7233e-22 │
    │ B      ┆ 1000   ┆ 657    ┆ 0       ┆ 343   ┆ 0.207569   │
    │ B      ┆ 1000   ┆ 674    ┆ 1       ┆ 326   ┆ 0.368276   │
    │ B      ┆ 1000   ┆ 658    ┆ 2       ┆ 342   ┆ 0.962417   │