
select all triples, indicating named graph if relevant

Let's say I make the following insertions into my GraphDB 8.3 triplestore:

insert data { :hello a :word }


insert data { graph :farewells { :goodbye a :word }}

now, if I ask

select * where {
    graph ?g {
        ?s ?p ?o .

I only get

|               ?g               |              ?s              |                        ?p                         |            ?o             |
| <> | <> | <> | <> |

I can obviously get both "triples about words" with the following, but then the named-graph membership is not shown

select * { ?s ?p ?o }

How can I write a query that retrieves both triples about words and indicates that { :goodbye a :word } comes from graph :farewells ?


  • In case you use have to use implicit triples in other part of the query, and in case a FILTER NOT EXISTS causes performance issues.

    Then you can query what you inserted without graph clause with GRAPH <>

    In your example, you could use the query:

    SELECT * 
    WHERE {
       { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }
       UNION { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } }


    | ?g                                 | ?s       | ?p        | ?o    |
    |                                    | :hello   | rdf:type  | :word |
    | :farewells                         | :goodbye | rdf:type  | :word |

    At least it works in my free graphDB GraphDB 10.2.0 • RDF4J 4.2.2

    Edit: I found one "better":

    SELECT * 
    WHERE {
        VALUES ?g {UNDEF <>}
        GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } 

    It returns:

    | ?g                                 | ?s       | ?p        | ?o    |
    |  rdf4j:nil                         | :hello   | rdf:type  | :word |
    | :farewells                         | :goodbye | rdf:type  | :word |