
How to convert Y-axis to HR on smooth scaled schoenfeld residual plot?

I have tried to visualise the proportional hazard (ph) assumption for my cox-ph model by plotting the smooth scaled schoenfeld residual plot. I'm working in R.

The residual plot is computed in R like this

test_ph <- cox.zph(my_cox_model, transform="identity")
plot(test_ph, resid=FALSE)

The output I get from the above code, is the y-axis representing the Beta(t) for the covariate over time (on the x-axis). However, I'm interested in having the y-axis showing the HR. I have tried to exp() the y values like in the following codes, and then plotting, but it did not work

hr <- exp(test_ph$y)
time <- test_ph$time #X-axis is names time in the test_ph 
plot(time, hr)

How can I convert the values on the y-axis to HR for the residual plot? Is it even possible to do that, or should I code a plot for plotting the HR over time instead converting the y-axis on the residual plot? If so, I still need help to code the latter in R as well.

Thank you in advance!


  • Does your model have multiple predictors? Are you getting this error?

    Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 
      'x' and 'y' lengths differ

    If so, the problem is that test_ph$y has multiple columns, one for each predictor, and plot can only do one at a time. Try:

    hr <- exp(test_ph$y)
    time <- test_ph$time #X-axis is names time in the test_ph 
    plot(time, hr[,1])

    To see the plot for the first predictor.