
Why does this error occur without any changes today : Type 'Player' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator

enter image description here

Just reloaded an exercise project which was working and now it shows me this error


enter image description here

Here is a part of the component.ts in photograph, I'm lost, can someone help me ?

Added dom.iterable in the tsconfig lib but no changes


  • As you can find in the mdn documentation, Array.find only returns the first element found in the array, which means your filteredPlayers signal only return a single instance of Player, hence why it is not iterable.

    What you probably want to use is Array.filter which will return all matching element in a new array, which is probably what you wanted to do in the first place :

    filteredPlayers = computer(() => {
      return this.players.filter(player =>;

    Hope this helps.