
Excel Chart: color data labels by categories - rows

This is a follow-up question to this one:

Excel Chart: color data labels by categories - columns

The following code colors the chart data labels according to the categories and values arranged in two rows:

The routine works fine as long as you have your categories in row 1 and your values in row 2.

How do you make it work with any range of two rows, e.g. rows 5/6 or 27/28?

Cells(categoryColorRow, colIndex) and Cells(valueColorRow, colIndex) always point to rows 1 and 2.

How do you derive colIndexfrom the chart series formula?

Sub Labels_SourceROWS_v2()
   Dim p As Point
   Dim CatValueLength As Variant
   Dim dls As DataLabels
   Dim length As Long
   Dim labelItems As Variant
   Dim categoryColorRow As Long
   Dim valueColorRow As Long
   Dim colIndex As Long
   Dim color As Long
   Dim valueText As String
   Dim percentText As String
   Dim startPos As Long
   categoryColorRow = 1
   valueColorRow = 2
   colIndex = 2
   With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
       .HasDataLabels = True
       With .DataLabels
           .ShowValue = True
           .ShowCategoryName = True
           .Separator = vbLf
           .Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
           .Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
           .NumberFormat = "0,0000"
           .Position = xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd
           .Font.Name = "Calibri"
           .Font.Size = 10
       End With
       For Each p In .Points
           labelItems = Split(p.DataLabel.Text, vbLf)
           labelItems(1) = Format(Replace(labelItems(1), ".", ","), "0.00")
           With p.DataLabel.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange
               'Load Label with Category and Value
               .Text = labelItems(0) & vbLf & labelItems(1)
               startPos = 1
               length = Len(labelItems(0))
               color = ActiveSheet.Cells(categoryColorRow, colIndex).Font.color
               .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Bold = True
               .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
               color = ActiveSheet.Cells(valueColorRow, colIndex).Font.color
               startPos = startPos + length + 1
               length = Len(labelItems(1))
               .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Bold = True
               .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
           End With
           colIndex = colIndex + 1
   End With
End Sub

enter image description here


Solved by FaneDuru:

enter image description here


  • As I said in my above comment, you need to extract the series ranges rows from their formula. Please, test the above adapted code doing that:

    Sub Labels_SourceROWS_v2()
       Dim p As point, CatValueLength As Variant, dls As DataLabels, length As Long
       Dim labelItems As Variant, categoryColorRow As Long
       Dim valueColorRow As Long, colIndex As Long, color As Long
       Dim valueText As String, percentText As String, startPos As Long
       If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then MsgBox "You forgot selecting a chart...": Exit Sub
       categoryColorRow = 1
       With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
           .HasDataLabels = True
           'new code lines exgtracting the necesssary variables value:__
           valueColorRow = Range(Split(.Formula, ",")(2)).row
           categoryColorRow = Range(Split(.Formula, ",")(1)).row
           colIndex = Range(Split(.Formula, ",")(1)).column
           With .DataLabels
               .ShowValue = True
               .ShowCategoryName = True
               .Separator = vbLf
               .Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
               .Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Bold = False
               .NumberFormat = "0,0000"
               .Position = xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd
               .Font.name = "Calibri"
               .Font.size = 10
            End With
           For Each p In .points
               labelItems = Split(p.DataLabel.Text, vbLf)
               labelItems(1) = Format(VBA.Replace(labelItems(1), ".", ","), "0.00")
               With p.DataLabel.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange
                   'Load Label with Category and Value:
                   .Text = labelItems(0) & vbLf & labelItems(1)
                   startPos = 1
                   length = Len(labelItems(0))
                   color = ActiveSheet.cells(categoryColorRow, colIndex).Font.color
                   .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Bold = True
                   .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
                   color = ActiveSheet.cells(valueColorRow, colIndex).Font.color
                   startPos = startPos + length + 1
                   length = Len(labelItems(1))
                   .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Bold = True
                   .Characters(startPos, length).Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = color
               End With
               colIndex = colIndex + 1
       End With
    End Sub

    Please, send some feedback after testing it