
Java Streams - convert a list to a Map of Object with a List

I'm trying to convert a List into a Map of Objects where that Objects holds the List.

Consider the following classes:

class A {
  String code;  

class B {
  A a;
  String value;

AB {
  A a;
  List<B> bList;

I have a List<B> sourceList that I want to convert into a Map<String, AB> targetMap

If we have the following data for sourceList:

     value = "foo",
     a = {code = "code1"}
     value = "bar"
     a = {code = "code1"}
     value = "hello"
     a = {code = "code2"}

The targetMap should look like this:

  "code1" =
     a = {code = "code1"}
     bList =
         value = "foo",
         a = {code = "code1"}
         value = "bar",
         a = {code = "code1"}

  "code2" =
    a = {code = "code2"}
    bList =
        value = "hello"
        a = {code = "code2"}

How can I do this?

I tried using the Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.mapping but both looks like only results in a Map of a Collection.


  • Use groupingBy to group by getA().getCode() as usual. In the downstream, use Collectors.toList, similar to what the one-argument groupingBy collector does, but then, convert that List<B> into an AB using collectingAndThen.

    Map<String, AB> convert(List<B> list) {
                x -> x.getA().getCode(),
                        // assuming AB has a constructor that takes an A and a List<B>
                        bs -> new AB(bs.get(0).getA(), bs)

    Since groupingBy does not create empty groups, bs is always non-empty, so it is safe to do bs.get(0).