
Android: When app was opened with click on notification, clicking on further notifications only opens the app, not changing activity

According to this thread on StackOverflow, "Android remembers the intent that was used to launch it". The problem described there is exactly what I'm going through:

When the app is launched for the first time from a Notification, this can mess things up. You launch the app from a Notification and Android remembers the Intent used (from the Notification), when you later launch the app (again from a Notification), android matches the Intent in the Notification with the Intent used to launch the app for the first time, and thinks you want to bring the existing app task from the background to the foreground.

The problem: I don't understand why Android thinks that the Intent is the same. While the activity is the same, the intent has completely different extras.

When I add flags to the intent, I'm able to fix this issue. Like for example:


But my goal is to keep the back stack, which it doesn't using these flags of course.

It's a webview app with some additional screens.

The issue only exists when the app is launched through a notification. When I launch it myself and put it to the background, everything works as I wish.


What I want:

  1. user clicks on not1, app launches, opens MainActivity, opens link in webview
  2. user clicks on not2, app opens OtherActivity
  3. user clicks on not3, app opens MainActivity, opens link in webview
  4. user clicks "back", OtherActivity from not2 is shown
  5. user clicks "back", MainActivity from not1 is shown

How it is right now:

  1. user clicks on not1, app launches, opens MainActivity, opens link in webview ✅
  2. user clicks on not2, app opens OtherActivity ✅
  3. user clicks on not3, app opens and shows OtherActivity. Not calling onCreate(). If the app was in background, in calls onResume() of OtherActivity. Even though it was supposed to open MainActivity.

My code:

val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(

notificationBuilder = notificationBuilder.setContentIntent(pendingIntent)
val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

notificationId is unique. extras of newIntent are unique. I tried every flag there is I believe. MainActivity (which has the webview) has launchMode "singleTop", but of course I tried without setting a launchMode.

Further observations:


  • Your problem is that when the user taps on not1, Android launches the app with MainActivity and remembers that the app was launched with MainActivity.

    When the user taps on not3, the Intent in the Notification has MainActivity, which matches the Intent that was used to launch the app initially. (Note: Android doesn't compare "extras" when comparing Intents.), so Android thinks that you want to bring the existing task containing the app forward from the background, which it does. In this case it doesn't create a new instance of MainActivity, it doesn't call onNewIntent(), it just brings the existing task (in whatever state it was in) to the foreground.

    This is the same behaviour as when you are running an app, press HOME, press that app's icon again. Android thinks you want to return to the app, so it just brings it forward from the background.


    Add an ACTION to the Intent that you put in the Notification. Set the ACTION to some random string so that it is always unique whenever you create the Notification.

    This will ensure that whenever a user taps a Notification to launch the app, the Intent will not match the Intent that was used to launch the app initially. Android will then bring the app forward from the background (if it is in the background), create a new instance of the Activity and put that on the task stack.