I've created a custom control under the zoom control, and when I click on it, the click on the map is triggered, which I don't want, and the same applies if I double-click, the zoom is triggered.
I've managed to fix the click triggering with an e.stopPropagation()
but I don't know how to manage the zoom.
let MyControlClass = L.Control.extend({
options: {
position: 'topleft',
onAdd: function(map) {
this.map = map;
var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bar my-control');
var flyToButton = L.DomUtil.create('button', 'my-button-class', div);
flyToButton.innerHTML = `<a href="#" role="button" title="Voler vers" class="">
<i class="fa-solid fa-reply-all fa-flip-horizontal"></i>
L.DomEvent.on(flyToButton, 'click', function(e) {
}, this);
return div;
let myControl = new MyControlClass().addTo(map);
You could use L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation
const div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-bar my-control');
// ...