My first post here. My apologies in advance if I inadvertently break any rules.
Assume that I've created a Google service account, and obtained the credentials (JSON) file. I created a Google document, and I've its doc_ID available. My programming language is Python.
Assume that I've a list of mixed-type of elements, e.g. (normal text, few nested list items, normal text, another nested list item), etc. See the example below:
my_list = [
"This is the normal text line, without any itemized list format.",
"* This is the outermost list item (number)",
"* This is another outermost list item (number)",
" * This is a first-level indented list item (alpha)",
" * This is a second-level indented list item (roman)",
" * This is another second-level indented list item (roman)",
" * This is another first-level indented list item (alpha)",
"This is the normal text line, without any itemized list format.",
"* This is one more outermost list item (number)",
I want to write it to a Google document and obtain a mix of normal text paragraph, followed by a nested and properly indented numbered list, followed by a line of normal text paragraph, and finally, another nested list item (preferably continuing from my previous preset, but with the fresh numbering will also be acceptable).
I tried several approaches, and got the closest possible result with the suggestion of @tanaike in the following post. How do I indent a bulleted list with the Google Docs API
Here is my sample code:
text_insert = ""
for text in my_list:
if text.startswith('* '):
text_insert += text[2:] + '\n'
elif text.startswith(' * '):
text_insert += '\t' + text[4:] + '\n'
elif text.startswith(' * '):
text_insert += '\t\t' + text[6:] + '\n'
text_normal = text + '\n'
text_insert += text_normal
end_index_normal = start_index + len(text_insert) + 1 - indent_corr
start_index_normal = end_index_normal - len(text_normal)
end_index = start_index + len(text_insert) + 1
indented_requests = [
"insertText": {
"text": text_insert,
'location': {'index': start_index},
"createParagraphBullets": {
'range': {
'startIndex': start_index,
'endIndex': end_index, # Add 2 for the newline character
"deleteParagraphBullets": {
'range': {
'startIndex': start_index_normal,
'endIndex': end_index_normal,
u_service.documents().batchUpdate(documentId=doc_id, body={'requests': indented_requests}).execute()
except HttpError as error:
print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
What I get in my Google document is the following:
However, my goal is the following (obtained after manual editing):
How can I achieve this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
and start_index_normal
are overwritten by another loop.deleteParagraphBullets
, only one character is selected.createParagraphBullets
.When these points are reflected in your script, how about the following modification?
# Please set your variables.
doc_id = "###"
start_index = 1
indent_corr = 1
my_list = [
"This is the normal text line, without any itemized list format.",
"* This is the outermost list item (number)",
"* This is another outermost list item (number)",
" * This is a first-level indented list item (alpha)",
" * This is a second-level indented list item (roman)",
" * This is another second-level indented list item (roman)",
" * This is another first-level indented list item (alpha)",
"This is the normal text line, without any itemized list format.",
"* This is one more outermost list item (number)",
text_insert = ""
deleteParagraphBullets = []
for text in my_list:
if text.startswith('* '):
text_insert += text[2:] + '\n'
elif text.startswith(' * '):
text_insert += '\t' + text[4:] + '\n'
elif text.startswith(' * '):
text_insert += '\t\t' + text[6:] + '\n'
text_normal = text + '\n'
text_insert += text_normal
end_index_normal = start_index + len(text_insert) + 1 - indent_corr
start_index_normal = end_index_normal - len(text_normal)
"deleteParagraphBullets": {
'range': {
'startIndex': start_index_normal,
'endIndex': start_index_normal + 1,
indented_requests = [
"insertText": {
"text": text_insert,
'location': {'index': start_index},
"createParagraphBullets": {
'range': {
'startIndex': start_index,
'endIndex': start_index + len(text_insert),
] + deleteParagraphBullets
u_service.documents().batchUpdate(documentId=doc_id, body={'requests': indented_requests}).execute()
When this script is run, the following result is obtained.