
How to download a table to excel?

I would like to download data from a website to Excel in order to create my own statistics. I tried power query but couldn't get everything I wanted. For example, here is a specific URL: https://www.betexplorer.com/football/algeria/ligue-2/ On this page, the next matches section is downloaded, but not the standings. And only a part of the results, because under the results there is an inscription "show all results" that you have to click on to reveal all the results. Can someone help me with how I can download the data on the page with an Excel macro?
Someday I would have to download more similar data, which is very slow manually, so I would like to automate it. (I use excel 2013.) Thank you in advance for your help!

I tried power query but couldn't get everything I wanted.


  • Try this :

    Sub FetchWebData()
        Dim ie As Object
        Dim html As Object
        Dim doc As Object
        Dim tbody As Object
        Dim tr As Object
        Dim cell As Object
        Dim button As Object
        Dim rowIndex As Integer
        ' CSS selector
        Const selector As String = "#home-page-left-column > section > div:nth-child(4) > div > table > tbody"
        ' Create a new Internet Explorer instance
        Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
        ie.Visible = False
        ie.navigate "https://www.betexplorer.com/football/algeria/ligue-2/"
        ' Wait for the page to load completely
        Do While ie.readyState <> 4
        ' Get the HTML document
        Set html = ie.document
        ' Use the CSS selector to select the desired content
        On Error Resume Next
        Set tbody = html.querySelector(selector)
        On Error GoTo 0
        ' Check if the tbody is found
        If Not tbody Is Nothing Then
            ' Clear the worksheet
            ' Loop through the rows and cells to populate the worksheet
            rowIndex = 1
            For Each tr In tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr")
                For Each cell In tr.getElementsByTagName("td")
                    ' Check if the cell contains a button with the data-odd attribute
                    If cell.getElementsByTagName("button").Length > 0 Then
                        Set button = cell.getElementsByTagName("button")(0)
                        If button.hasAttribute("data-odd") Then
                            Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowIndex, cell.cellIndex + 1).Value = button.getAttribute("data-odd")
                            Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowIndex, cell.cellIndex + 1).Value = cell.innerText
                        End If
                        Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(rowIndex, cell.cellIndex + 1).Value = cell.innerText
                    End If
                Next cell
                rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
            Next tr
            MsgBox "Data fetched successfully!"
            MsgBox "No content found for the given selector."
        End If
        ' Clean up
        Set ie = Nothing
        Set html = Nothing
        Set tbody = Nothing
    End Sub

    Alernativly you can use:

    Const selector As String = "#js-leagueresults-all > div > div > table > tbody"


    ie.navigate "https://www.betexplorer.com/football/algeria/ligue-2/results"