
How are Topic Space and Namespace topics are related in Azure

I am trying to use MQTT Broker feature of Azure Event Grid Namespace. I am able to send data to topic space successfully and these events are visible in Namespace overview but not in topic which I am sending to. On the other hand it is always disconnecting if I try to send to Namepspace topic directly.

I have created a topic space and template as below namespace/AzureEventGridTopicSpace which have a template as AzureEventGridTopicSpace/sampleTopic

Also, I have a topic in the same namespace as namespace/ExampleTopic

Now If I send data to ExampleTopic the MQTT Connection is being disconnected with return code 7. But, when I send data to AzureEventGridTopicSpace/sampleTopic, I am able to send successfully but not reflecting in the Namespace Topic.

I wanted to know the relation and how can I send data to Namespace topic. If not this, how can I route the data from sampleTopic to any other custom topic?

Edited: Attaching the namespace topic space configuration in which I could not see the destination topic. How can I set this? Image


  • It seems that I need to enable the MQTT Routing in Namespace and select the Namespace topic to route all the data that I receive on Topic Space templates.

    Thank you.