Keep getting error when trying to create a Web PubSub Service in azure

I am currently trying to set up a WebPub Service in azure to host the server side of my application and when I proceed to review and create the resource I get this error: enter image description here

I tried to create a signalR resource in azure but I keep getting the same error message


  • Resource provider(s): Microsoft. SignalRService is not registered for subscription SW LLC SUBSCRIPTION, and you don't have permissions to register a resource provider for subscription SW LLC SUBSCRIPTION.

    Initially, I also encountered the same error in my environment when I tried to create the Web PubSub for Socket.IO.

    Error: enter image description here

    According to this MS-Document, the above error occurs when you haven't registered your resource with your subscription.


    Portal-> < Your-Subscription> -> Resource providers -> search Microsoft. SignalRService -> Register.

    enter image description here

    After registering the resource with the subscription, the error was fixed in my environment.

    Portal: enter image description here

    You can also register the resource through the CLI.


    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.SignalRService
