
Amplify gen 2, amplify-authenticator "There is already a signed in user."

I'm using Amplify Gen 2 and have a simple Angular 17 standalone app. When locally I run npx ampx sandbox then ng serve my app, I am able to signup and signin/signout multiple times. However, as soon as I alter the app and it reloads, I am signed out and on trying to sign in am warned There is already a signed in user.

enter image description here

I can access the user pool in AWS for my sandbox and sign the user out:

enter image description here

.. however, this makes no difference. The only way I can get it working again is to delete the sandbox and regenerate it.

There's nothing much going on in app.component:

  <h1>Hello {{user?.signInDetails?.loginId}}</h1>
    <button (click)="signOut()">Sign Out</button>
    <h2>Welcome, {{ user.username }}!</h2>

Unsure if this is relevant, but in resource.ts the Amplify auth is configued as follows:

export const data = defineData({
  authorizationModes: {
    defaultAuthorizationMode: 'userPool',

Any ideas at all? Not getting much confidence in Amplify Gen 2 with such a basic blocker so early on...


  • I ran into this same issue and this is what fixed it for me. In your app.component.ts you should have a constructor with something like

      constructor(public authenticator: AuthenticatorService) {

    You also need to add that at that right before defining your component

    import YOUR_IMPORTED_CONFIG_FILE from '../your_config_path';