
Shadcn/ui Tooltip around Button causes form validation

I'm using the Form component from Shadcn/ui to create a form which also uses react-hook-form and zod. In this form I have a button called Button 1 which has a Shadcn/ui Tooltip. The idea behind this is that the user clicks Button 1, and the string "Button 1" is stored into the form. Here's the code:

export default function JobForm() {
  const formSchema = z.object({
    jobName: z.string().min(1).max(50),
    button: z.string().optional(),

  const form = useForm<z.infer<typeof formSchema>>({
    resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
    defaultValues: {
      jobName: "",
      button: "",

  function onSubmit(values: z.infer<typeof formSchema>) {
  return (
      <Form {...form}>
        <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit(onSubmit)} className="space-y-8">
            render={({ field }) => (
                <FormLabel>Job Name</FormLabel>
                  <Input placeholder="Input job name" {...field} />
                <FormMessage />
            render={({ field }) => (
                          onClick={() => form.setValue('button', "Button 1")}
                          Button 1
                        <p>"This is Button 1"</p>
                <FormMessage />
          <Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

The issue is that clicking Button 1 triggers a validation on the job name field. I only want the submit button to trigger validation. I think it's the Tooltip causing the issue, since removing the Tooltip around Button 1 fixes the issue. How can I have a Tooltip component around Button 1 without causing validation on click?


  • You need to include asChild in ToolTipTrigger

    <TooltipTrigger asChild> {/* Add asChild here */}
        onClick={() => handleButtonClick('Button 1')}
        Button 1

    From the docs, ToolTipTrigger is rendered as a button by default, and so clicking on the component inside ToolTipTrigger will act as clicking on a button, which therefore causes validation if the button's type is not set to button.