In tests, to verify data objects that do not have hashcode/equals methods, AssertJ has a very nice API:
For checking that methods have been called, I've always used Mockito:
Mockito.verify(mock, times(2)).method(eq(arg1), eq(arg2));
The situation I'm in now, I want to combine these approaches and use verify
, but compare arguments using AssertJ's usingRecursiveComparison
, something along these lines:
Mockito.verify(mock, times(2)).method(usingRecursiveComparison(arg1));
Is there any way to achieve this using Mockito + AssertJ, or a different library that does provide this type of API?
Depending on your use case, ArgumentMatchers.refEq
might help:
verify(mock, times(2)).method(refEq(arg1, "id"));
or you can leverage AssertJ via ArgumentMatchers.assertArg
verify(mock, times(2)).method(assertArg(arg -> {