
MongoDB - How to get the id of the matched object from an array

How should I get the id of the matched object from an array? Currently, I am getting all the IDs from the pricing array.

While I just want the one that matches.

await Item.find(
   {_id: "663a4dbb97674691089c835a", pricing: {$elemMatch: {mrp: 100, price: 100}}}, 
   {"pricing._id": 1})

MongoDB Document:

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "663a4dbb97674691089c835a"
  "desc": {
    "name": "BLA BLA",
  "pricing": [
      "firstAddedDate": "05/30/2024",
      "mrp": 100,
      "price": 100,
      "qty": 1,
      "_id": {
        "$oid": "66578e181df0f2a544263b2b"
      "firstAddedDate": "05/30/2024",
      "mrp": 100,
      "price": 80,
      "qty": -1,
      "_id": {
        "$oid": "66580f3425b849794bb87bd7"

Result I want:



  • Approach 1

    In the projection, you should use $filter operator to filter the matching element.

    let item = await Item.find({
      _id: new ObjectId("663a4dbb97674691089c835a"),
      pricing: {
        $elemMatch: {
          mrp: 100,
          price: 100
      "pricing": {
        $filter: {
          input: "$pricing",
          cond: {
            $and: [
                $eq: [
                $eq: [
    let matchedId = item?.pricing[0]._id;

    Demo Approach 1 @ Mongo Playground

    Approach 2

    You may work with $map to return the matched _id.

    let item = await Item.find({
      _id: new ObjectId("663a4dbb97674691089c835a"),
      pricing: {
        $elemMatch: {
          mrp: 100,
          price: 100
      "pricing": {
        $map: {
          input: {
            $filter: {
              input: "$pricing",
              cond: {
                $and: [
                    $eq: [
                    $eq: [
          in: "$$this._id"
    let matchedId = item?.pricing[0];

    Demo Approach 2 @ Mongo Playground

    Approach 3

    Work with pricing.$ to return first matching element.

    let item = await Item.find({
      _id: {
        "$oid": "663a4dbb97674691089c835a"
      pricing: {
        $elemMatch: {
          mrp: 100,
          price: 100
      "pricing.$": 1
    let matchedId = item?.pricing[0]._id;

    Demo Approach 3 @ Mongo Playground