
no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer fastlane

Fastlane File


platform :android do
  desc "Deploy a new version to the Google Play internal track"
  lane :internal do
    # Fetching the current version code from Google Play
    google_play_info = google_play_track_version_codes(
      track: "internal"

    # Debug output to inspect google_play_info
    UI.message("Google Play Info: #{google_play_info}")

    #if google_play_info[:version_codes].nil? || google_play_info[:version_codes].empty?
    #  UI.user_error!("Could not fetch version codes from Google Play")

    current_version_code = google_play_info[:version_codes].max.to_i

    new_version_code = current_version_code + 1

    # Define a helper method to increment version code in build.gradle
    def increment_version_code_in_gradle(new_version_code)
      gradle_file_path = "./app/build.gradle"
      gradle_content =
      updated_content = gradle_content.gsub(/versionCode\s+\d+/) do |match|
        "versionCode #{new_version_code}"
      File.write(gradle_file_path, updated_content)

    # Increment the version code in build.gradle

    # Build the AAB (Android App Bundle)
      task: "bundle",
      build_type: "Release"

    # Upload the AAB to the internal track on Google Play
      track: "internal",
      aab: "./app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab",

Error is

Error in your Fastfile at line 20
   18:      #end
=> 20:      current_version_code = google_play_info[:version_codes].max.to_i
   22:      new_version_code = current_version_code + 1
no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer

auto increment in version number google play store using Faslane


  • The error "no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer fastlane", means that ruby tries to convert a Symbol to an Integer, meaning that you passed a Symbol to somewhere that expects an integer.

    Let's see the offending line.

    current_version_code = google_play_info[:version_codes].max.to_i

    There is only one symbol here. From this my initial suspicion was that google_play_info is not a hash (that would be indexed by symbols), but is an array instead (that would need to be indexed by integers).

    google_play_info = google_play_track_version_codes(
      track: "internal"

    Returns: Array of integers representing the version codes for the given Google Play track

    The docs indeed say that this is an Array.

    I don't know exactly what you intended to do, but a possible fix is to just remove the hash access since you're already dealing with version codes. Also, since it returns an array of integers, then the .to_i is redundant as well.

    current_version_code = google_play_info.max