
Access to service on WSLS from Virtual Device

I have a problem concerning the connection between my virtual device and my server, which locally runs on WSL2, and my virtual device. On a VM where everything was installed on the same host, I was using the address But this doesn't work.

On my WSL2 distro, I installed Docker. From what I can see from VSCode (which is plugged into my WSL distro), I have port forwarding done automatically. So from my virtual device, I can access the various services hosted by Docker using The exposed containers are linked to the process: /bin/docker-proxy.

My service (not hosted by Docker) is a NestJS backend node.

  1. First of all, where does the automatic port translation I see in VSCode (Console > Port tab) come from?

  2. Do you have any clues about my basic problem?

I've tried adding inbound rules in windows, configuring port translation in (via Netsh) but nothing works...


  • This was due to the default configuration of the NestJs listening server. I override the hostname address to