
DataTables.js: Custom ordering function not applying

I have a DataTables.js table with a column that has numeric values with decimal points. Currently, it's being ordered like "1", "1.1", "10", "2", but I would like to order it as "1", "1.1", "2", "10". Strangely enough, if I click the ordering arrow after the page has loaded, it does order it the way I want. Anyway, according to their documentation, something like this should work:

//Custom ordering function
DataTable.ext.type.order['numeric-decimal-pre'] = function (data) {
    return parseFloat(data) || 0;
//Initialize datatable
let table = new DataTable("#@(Model.Id)", {
    columnDefs: [
            type: "numeric-decimal",
            targets: 0,
    order: [[0, "asc"]],

However, while no errors are popping up in the console, it's also not changing the ordering in any way.


  • That was interesting. I had a play and further research into the documentation, and it seems as though you were perhaps invoking order incorrectly or in an older manner, this seems to work:

    //Custom ordering function
    DataTable.ext.type.order['numeric-decimal-pre'] = function(data) {
      return parseFloat(data) || 0;
    (() => {
      //Initialize datatable
      const table = new DataTable('#example', {
        columnDefs: [{
          type: "numeric-decimal",
          targets: 6,
        }, ],
        order: [{
          idx: 6,
          dir: 'asc'

    Working example here:

    However, after further play, you don't need a custom sort filter as this seems to work:

    (() => {
      //Initialize datatable
      const table = new DataTable('#example', {
        order: [{
          idx: 6,
          dir: 'asc'