
How to pass PowerShell string parameter that has both `(backtick), ' and " inside?

I am executing a Python script using a PowerShell command, The Python script takes a string that could contain special characters inside it. This parameter is passed from an ansible pipeline. The ansible host is a Windows Machine, therefore we have to use win_shell module which used PowerShell. So, the solution should be a general one that can be applied to any string. The PowerShell version I am running is PowerShell 5.1.

python.exe --special_string the"str`in'g --otherparam value

But this gives errors. (Simply " and ' doesn't get skipped properly)

Based on my current findings, error: the following arguments are required: --otherparam

What is the best way to do this?


  • You can force PowerShell to skip parsing arguments of the python runtime. Just insert --% before the arguments of the external python.exe command:

    python.exe --% --special_string the"str`in'g --otherparam value

    It will pass the arguments as is.