
Azure DevOps Pipeline Error: Password Not an Integer in snowsql Command

I'm encountering an issue with my Azure DevOps pipeline where I'm trying to run a snowsql command with a password retrieved from Azure Key Vault. The pipeline retrieves the secret correctly, but when I use it in the snowsql command, I get an error stating that the password is not an integer.

Here is the relevant part of my pipeline script:

- script: |
    export PATH=$PATH:~/snowflake
    echo "Running Snowflake Initialization Scripts..."
    ~/snowflake/snowsql -a "$SNOWSQL_ACCOUNT" -u "$SNOWSQL_USER" -r "$SNOWSQL_ROLE" -w "$SNOWSQL_WAREHOUSE" -p "$(SnowflakePassword)" -f scripts/1_initialize_db.sql
  displayName: 'Run Snowflake Initialization Scripts'

Error message:

Running Snowflake Initialization Scripts...
<my snowflake secret password> is not a valid integer
Try "snowsql --help" for more information.

##[error]Bash exited with code '2'.

I am seeing the secret value in the error so I am getting it back. Just not sure how to update the script to not capture as an integer.

What I've tried:

  1. Verified secret in Key Vault: the secret is correctly stored in Azure Key Vault.
  2. Checked access policies: the service principal has Get and List permissions for the secret.
  3. Used variable expansion: ensured that the variable is correctly expanded using curly braces.


Additional information:


How can I correctly pass the password retrieved from Azure Key Vault to the snowsql command in my Azure DevOps pipeline without encountering the "not an integer" error?

Thank you for your help!


  • Consider setting environment variables at the task level - it might help to avoid issues such as encoding, special characters, etc.

    Instead of specifying the password in the command line:

    - script: |
        export PATH=$PATH:~/snowflake
        echo "Running Snowflake Initialization Scripts..."
        ~/snowflake/snowsql ... -p "$(SnowflakePassword)" ...
      displayName: 'Run Snowflake Initialization Scripts'

    Try using the SNOWSQL_PWD environment variable, as per Specifying passwords when connecting:

    - script: |
        export PATH=$PATH:~/snowflake
        echo "Running Snowflake Initialization Scripts..."
        # snowsql command WITHOUT the -p option
        ~/snowflake/snowsql ...
      displayName: 'Run Snowflake Initialization Scripts'
        SNOWSQL_PWD: $(SnowflakePassword) # <----------------- set environment variable