Using this link I could count all points intersecting polygons:
ogrinfo -sql "select count(*) from tmppol, tmppoi where st_intersects(tmppol.geometry,tmppoi.geometry) group by tmppol.fid" -dialect sqlite input.vrt
My doubt is how it can be modified to get the sum of all point values and put the result in a column of the polygon shapefile? Perhaps as an update call such as:
ogrinfo tmppol.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "update tmppol set sum = sum( from tmppol where st_intersects(tmppol.geom, tmppoi.geom) ???"
Any hints are much appreciated,
MWE files can be downloaded from here.
calculate the sum of point values for each polygon
ogrinfo -sql "SELECT tmppol.fid, SUM(tmppoi.value) as point_sum FROM tmppol, tmppoi WHERE ST_Intersects(tmppol.geometry, tmppoi.geometry) GROUP BY tmppol.fid" -dialect sqlite input.vrt
create a file called input.vrt
<OGRVRTLayer name="tmppol">
<OGRVRTLayer name="tmppoi">
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" tmppol.shp -dialect sqlite -sql "UPDATE tmppol SET sum = (SELECT SUM(tmppoi.value) FROM tmppoi WHERE ST_Intersects(tmppol.geometry, tmppoi.geometry))" input.vrt