I want to copy the values, the formats and all conditional formats from an LibreOffice-Calc worksheet-range (A1:H100) to another (new/empty) worksheet of the same workbook.
This is, what I do actually:
sub blatt_einfuegen
oActiveSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
oTabellen = ThisComponent.Sheets
' Prüfen, ob eine Tabelle mit dem Namen des Strings aus Zelle C1 existiert.
If NOT oTabellen.hasbyName(sNewSheetName) Then
' Tabelle mit dem Namene sNewSheetName existiert nicht, also wird sie eingefügt.
oTabellen.insertNewByName (sNewSheetName, 3)
End If
DIM oStart as Object, oZiel as Object
oStart = ThisComponent.sheets.getByName("Aktuell") '<--- Blatt wo die Daten stehen
oZiel = ThisComponent.sheets.getByName(sNewSheetName) '<--- Blatt wohin die Daten kopiert werden sollen
' Zellinhalte übertragen
Dim aDataArray()
aDataArray = oStart.getCellRangeByName("A1:H100").getDataArray
' Spaltenbreiten übertragen
For j = 0 To 6
oZiel.Columns.getByIndex(j).Width = oStart.Columns.getByIndex(j).Width
Next j
Call CopyFormatBetweenSheets(sNewSheetName)
End Sub
Sub CopyFormatBetweenSheets(sName$)
Dim oSourceSheet As Object
Dim oTargetSheet As Object
Dim oSourceRange As Object
Dim oTargetRange As Object
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
' Get the source sheet (where the source range is located)
oSourceSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Aktuell")
' Get the target sheet (where the target range is located)
oTargetSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sName)
' Define the source range (range with the formatting to be copied)
oSourceRange = oSourceSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:H100")
' Define the target range (range where the formatting will be applied)
oTargetRange = oTargetSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:H100")
' Copy the formatting from the source range to the target range
For i = 0 To oSourceRange.Rows.getCount() - 1
For j = 0 To oSourceRange.Columns.getCount() - 1
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharFontName = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharFontName
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharHeight = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharHeight
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharWeight = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharWeight
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).NumberFormat = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).NumberFormat
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharUnderline = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).CharUnderline
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).HoriJustify = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).HoriJustify
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).VertJustify = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).VertJustify
oTargetRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).ConditionalFormat = oSourceRange.getCellByPosition(j, i).ConditionalFormat
' Add more properties as needed (e.g., CharColor, CellBackColor, etc.)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
It copies the values, the formats, but only the first conditional format, what is defined in the cells from oSourceRange.
Is it possible to copy all of the conditional formats of the cells or is there a better way for copying the oSourceRange values, formats and conditional formats to the oTargetRange?
The values are copyied by an array-method (.setDataArray) - Is there a method for doing this with the fomats?
I found another answer using direct copy method. However, this only works within the same document, which was your requirement so it's OK.
sub blatt_einfuegen
oActiveSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
oTabellen = ThisComponent.Sheets
' Prüfen, ob eine Tabelle mit dem Namen des Strings aus Zelle C1 existiert.
If NOT oTabellen.hasbyName(sNewSheetName) Then
' Tabelle mit dem Namene sNewSheetName existiert nicht, also wird sie eingefügt.
oTabellen.insertNewByName (sNewSheetName, 3)
End If
DIM oStart as Object, oZiel as Object
CopyCells("Aktuell", sNewSheetName)
End Sub
sub CopyCells(sinSource$, sinDest$)
rem --------------------------------------------------------------
dim oFromSheet as object
dim oToSheet as object
dim oCell as object
dim oCellRange as object
dim oCellRangeAddr as object
dim oCols as object
rem --------------------------------------------------------------
oFromSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sinSource)
oToSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(sinDest)
rem Select the region to copy
oCellRange = oFromSheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:H100")
oCellRangeAddr = oCellRange.getRangeAddress()
rem Get the address of the destination
oCell = oToSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0).getCellAddress()
rem Execute the copy
oToSheet.copyRange(oCell, oCellRangeAddr)
rem Copy column width
Dim lCol as long
For lCol = 0 to oCellRange.Columns.getCount() - 1
oToSheet.Columns(lCol).Width = oFromSheet.Columns(lCol).Width
Next lCol
end sub