My blog site I submit to Azure Devops where it is built as a Jekyll site. Has worked fine for a several years with only minor updates. Scripts run using Win 2019 VM.
Yesterday the build failed:
Pipeline steps:
Pipeline step: Use Ruby > 3.0.0
Script: Version Spec 3.1.4
Was this (this worked for some time) but failed today. Devops says available versions are 3.0.7 or 3.1.5
Worked on previous submission mid May and for a long time prior.
Tried Version specs as below but fails at Build
> 3.0.0
Fir this: Found tool in cache: Ruby 3.1.5 x64Nb: Local build uses 3.2.2
With these, got past the version check runs next 2 steps OK but build fails:
C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/csv/parser.rb:3:in `require': 126: The specified module could not be found.
Install Jekyll and bundler:
Script:gem install jekyll bundler
Final lines:
Done installing documentation for bundler after 0 seconds
29 gems installed
Finishing: Install Jekyll and bundler
Install Gems
Script: bundle install
Final Lines:
Bundle complete! 10 Gemfile dependencies, 43 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Finishing: Install Gems
Script: bundle exec jekyll build
Starting: Build
Task : Command line
Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows
Version : 2.237.1
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help :
Generating script.
Script contents: shell
bundle exec jekyll build
========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /D /E:ON /V:OFF /S /C "CALL "D:\a\_temp\9815d7ee-08b2-4491-934a-b1fb6ffcea97.cmd""
C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/csv/parser.rb:3:in `require': 126: The specified module could not be found. - C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/strscan-3.1.0/lib/ (LoadError)
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/csv/parser.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/csv.rb:98:in `require_relative'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/3.1.0/csv.rb:98:in `<top (required)>'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-4.3.3/lib/jekyll.rb:28:in `require'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-4.3.3/lib/jekyll.rb:28:in `<top (required)>'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-4.3.3/exe/jekyll:8:in `require'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-4.3.3/exe/jekyll:8:in `<top (required)>'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/bin/jekyll:32:in `load'
from C:/hostedtoolcache/windows/Ruby/3.1.5/x64/bin/jekyll:32:in `<main>'
##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '1'.
Finishing: Build
I have posted a detailed blog on this: Azure Pipelines: Jekyll Site Build failure
I can reproduce the same issue when using the Microsoft-hosted agent: Windows-2019 in Azure Pipeline.
The cause of the issue could be that the environment settings or the configurations have issues when using the Ruby version 3.1.5 on Windows-2019 agent. You can report the issue to this feedback site: Agent image feedback
To solve this issue, you can refer to the following methods:
Method1: You can change to use the Ruby version: 3.0.7 in Windows-2019 agent.
For example:
- task: UseRubyVersion@0
versionSpec: '3.0.7'
Method2: You can re-install Ruby version 3.1.5 or other versions in Pipeline with the script. Then the pipeline can run successfully.
Here is an example:
vmImage: windows-2019
- script: choco install ruby --version=
- script: |
gem install jekyll bundler
displayName: Install Jekyll and bundler
- script:
bundle install
displayName: Install Gems
- script: 'bundle exec jekyll build'
displayName: Build
Method3: You can change to use Microsoft-hosted agent: image Ububtu- 20.04, Ububtu-22.04.
For example:
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
@David Jones has posted the issue report ticket: Using the Ruby version 3.1.5 on Windows-2019 Agent failure. We can keep focus on the feedback from image management team.