I have a problem encountered while connecting a USB serial port to windows and trying to get data from that port into WSL2.
The problem is that I can list usb devices in windows powershell
PS C:\> usbipd list
results in:
6-4 0403:6001 USB Serial Converter Attached
I can attach the USB to WSL by using
PS C:\> usbipd attach --wsl --busid 6-4
It is attached to WSL.
From WSL side, I can show usb connections in WSL by lsusb
, giving:
To check the device name:
sudo dmesg | grep tty
From the Python side, I want to communicate with the serial port to get data etc. The code is:
import serial
import time
import time
import os
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') # device name on your computer
print(ser.name) # check which port was really used
ser.write(b'serail port on wsl \n') # write a string
s = ser.readline()
This code cannot write nor readline()
and does not give any output, so basically it is not reading any data from the serial port.
I have checked some issues but those did not solve my problems, here-1, here-2, here-3, here-4.
Is there anything I can further investigate and solve this issue?
The problem is simply solved by defining baudrate as 460800 in serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate)