Look like if I call exec > >(tee -a "${logFile}") 2>&1
multiple times in the same script with different log files, the first log files will get appended multiple times. Is there a way to reset exec call before calling exec > >(tee -a "${logFile}") 2>&1
$ cat sample.bash
#!/bin/bash -e
function redirectOutputToLogFile()
local -r logFile="${1}"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${logFile}")"
exec > >(tee -a "${logFile}") 2>&1
function main()
redirectOutputToLogFile 'test1.log'
echo 'hello 1'
redirectOutputToLogFile 'test2.log'
echo 'hello 2'
redirectOutputToLogFile 'test3.log'
echo 'hello 3'
main "${@}"
$ ./sample.bash
hello 1
hello 2
hello 3
$ cat test1.log
hello 1
hello 2
hello 3
$ cat test2.log
hello 2
hello 3
$ cat test3.log
hello 3
You should back up the original descriptors (stdout and stderr) at the very beginning, and then restore them before the exec
#!/bin/bash -e
# backup stdout/stderr in file descriptor 3 and 4 resp.
exec 3>&1 4>&2
function redirectOutputToLogFile()
local -r logFile="${1}"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${logFile}")"
exec 1>&3 2>&4 # restore orig state of stdout/stderr
exec > >(tee -a "${logFile}") 2>&1