
Obtain the number of specific nodes between a node and its ancestor

Let's say you have the following XML structure (whatever the string values might be, it has very little importance in my case)


When I'm at mynode, I'd like to count all the nodes b that are ancestors of mynode, since the last a node that I have as an ancestor (in other words, the number of b there is between last a and mynode, so here, 1, which is in fact the direct parent in my example).

I feel like I probably have to do something with ancestor::a[last()]//b, and maybe use generate-id() on mynode in a <xsl:test> but I'm not very confident.

What would be the correct thing to do here?


  • There may be a more elegant way in XSLT 3.0, but in any version you could do:

    count(ancestor::b) - count(ancestor::a[1]/ancestor::b)

    If mynode has no b descendants, then:


    will return the same result. (That's probably what you tried to express by ancestor::a[last()]//b. But the ancestor axis is a reverse axis. The nearest ancestor is the first one, not the last.)