
How to count resolved comments only via VBA in Excel

By using the Comments property of a worksheet it is possible to retrieve the number of comments in said worksheet by accessing its Count property in turn: Worksheets(1).Comments.Count.

The Comment object is a member of the Comments collection containing the following properties: Application, Author, Creator, Parent, Shape and Visible.

Given this information I was only able to retrieve the number of comments per worksheet but would also like to see the amount and/or ratio of resolved to open comments. Am I missing some hack to utilize the provided properties (maybe like Visible) to somehow get information of whether the comment was marked as resolved?

It is not possible to delete the resolved comments since they are used as some sort of documentation of the decisions and changes.


  • enter image description here

    In M365, the terms comments and notes can be a bit confusing.

    enter image description here

    Microsoft documentation:

    CommentThreaded object (Excel)

    Sub CountCmt()
        Dim ct As CommentThreaded, iCnt As Long, iTotal As Long
        iTotal = ActiveSheet.CommentsThreaded.Count
        If iTotal = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No comments"
            For Each ct In ActiveSheet.CommentsThreaded
                If ct.Resolved Then iCnt = iCnt + 1
            MsgBox "Resolved comments: " & iCnt & vbCr & _
                "Total comments: " & iTotal
        End If
    End Sub