Hi I'm trying to return the date that the last edit was made to the attribute titled "VVT Status", into the attribute titled "VVT Status Update". It is currently returning all of the updates to the object since the last baseline rather than just the latest edit to the "VVT Status" attribute. Code is below and adapted from similar questions in SO. Thanks in advance.
Module m = current
string getHistoryContent (History h)
{ \\attrName is only in sReturnValue so I can check it came from correct attribute
HistoryType ht = h.type
string sReturnValue = h.attrName "\t" h.date "\t"
return sReturnValue
string sHistoryAttributeName = "VVT Status Update"
string attributName
Object o
for o in entire m do
History h
for h in o do
attributName = h.attrName
if isDeleted(o) then continue
if (!canModify o.sHistoryAttributeName) then {warn "cannot modify history entry for object " (identifier o) "\n"; continue}
if((attributeName=="VVT Status"))
Buffer bContentOfVVT = create
for h in o do
bContentOfVVT += getHistoryContent(h) "\n"
o.sHistoryAttributeName = bContentOfVVT
delete bContentOfVVT
save m
Hoped to get date "VVT Status" last modified into "VVT Status Update"
From my long history with DXL, there are a number of different approaches to this, but to stick as closely as possible to the design intent apparent in your code, I have changed it as follows:
if (null current Module)
{ errorBox("This script must run inside a Formal Module opened in Exclusive Edit mode.") }
Module modThis = current
Object objThis = null
if (!isEdit modThis)
{ errorBox("This script must run inside a Formal Module opened in Exclusive Edit mode.") }
const string sHistoryAttributeName = "Object Text Update"
const string sAttributeName = "Object Text"
string getHistoryContent (string sAttrName)
History hRec = null
HistoryType hType = null
string sHAttrName = null
Date dtLastMod = null
for hRec in objThis do
hType = hRec.type
sHAttrName = hRec.attrName
if ((hType == modifyObject) && (sHAttrName == sAttributeName))
{ dtLastMod = hRec.date }
if (!null dtLastMod)
{ return stringOf(dtLastMod) }
return ""
for objThis in entire modThis do
if isDeleted(objThis) then continue
if (!canModify objThis.sHistoryAttributeName) then {warn "cannot modify history entry for object " (identifier objThis) "\n"; continue}
objThis.sHistoryAttributeName = getHistoryContent(sAttributeName)
save modThis
refresh modThis
I hope this is helpful - please feel free to ask questions about my proposed solution. Main feature is that the (optimised) heavy-lifting of searching the history is now in the function rather than the main program loop.
Kind regards,