I have an app where I'm displaying notifications from chat apps after reading the with a Notification listener service and storing them in a room database.
Now I want to open the specific chat the notification is for in that app when the user clicks on it in my app UI (displayed in a recycler view). Right now, I'm just launching the apps by package name.
Is it possible to simulate clicking on the notification or trigger whatever action the notification has?
override fun onNotificationPosted(sbn: StatusBarNotification) {
Log.d(TAG, "oN NOTIFY")
if (isConnected) {
val notification = sbn.notification
val extras = notification.extras
val packageName = sbn.packageName
// Extract the message content
val title = extras.getString(Notification.EXTRA_TITLE) ?: ""
val message = extras.getString(Notification.EXTRA_TEXT) ?: extras.getString(Notification.EXTRA_SUB_TEXT) ?: ""
// Check if the notification is from a chat app and contains chat notification
if (conversationApps.contains(packageName)
&& invalidNotificationText.none { message.contains(it) }) {
// Extract the sender/group image
val senderImageIcon = extras.getParcelable<Parcelable>(Notification.EXTRA_LARGE_ICON) ?: extras.getParcelable<Parcelable>(Notification.EXTRA_PICTURE)
Log.e(TAG, senderImageIcon.toString())
val senderImageBitmap: Bitmap? = makeBitmap(senderImageIcon)
val senderImageByteArray =
senderImageBitmap?.let { getByteArrayFromBitmap(it) } ?: byteArrayOf()
// Extract the app icon
val pm = applicationContext.packageManager
val appIcon = pm.getApplicationIcon(packageName)
val appIconBitmap: Bitmap? = makeBitmap(appIcon)
val appIconByteArray =
appIconBitmap?.let { getByteArrayFromBitmap(it) } ?: byteArrayOf()
// Create conversation object
val conversation = ConversationEntity(
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
conversationRepository.deleteByPackageNameAndMessage(packageName, title, message)
I've actually been able to solve the issue.
To reply a notification with a reply action, I'm "recreating" the reply action from the notification with code from Rob J's article. I actually copied most of the implementation from this github repository shared under another Stack overflow question.
Creating the reply action looks like this:
override fun onNotificationPosted(sbn: StatusBarNotification) {
val action: Action? = NotificationUtils.getQuickReplyAction(sbn.notification, getPackageName())
and you can send the reply like this:
action.sendReply(myApplicationContext, "replyText")
Additionally, to open the chat (Without replying the message), I'm getting the contentIntent
(a Pending Intent) from the notification
in onNotificationPosted
like so:
override fun onNotificationPosted(sbn: StatusBarNotification) {
val notification = sbn.notification
val contentIntent = notification.contentIntent
To open the notification's respective app, I just call the send()
method on the pending intent.