So specifically with the following formula, how do i fix make the range say =B2:b21, =C2:c21. =D2:d21, etc when i drag down?
The full formula is:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,FILTER('Staff Rota'!$A$2:$A$21,('Staff Rota'!B2:B21="W")*('Staff Rota'!B2=D2)))
Lookup table
Bookings table
Really appreciate some guidance on this.
I have tried so match with index match etc but to no avail
Try using the following formula:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER($A$4:$A$10,FILTER($B$4:$E$10,G2=$B$2:$E$2,"")="W",""))
Or, Can use XLOOKUP()
=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER($A$4:$A$10,XLOOKUP(G2,$B$2:$E$2,$B$4:$E$10,"")="W",""))
Or, can spill the whole range using a LAMBDA()
helper function called MAP()
And also, since you have mentioned that tried using INDEX()
but no avail then here is using INDEX()
<-- This will be same with CHOOSECOL()
=TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER(A$4:A$10,IFNA(INDEX(B$4:E$10,,MATCH(G2,B$2:E$2,0)),"")="W",""))
You will need to change the range and references as per your suit!