
"... && coverage report" not working after switching to pytest-django

I was using unittest in Django to write tests and running the tests with this command:

coverage run --omit='src/,src/config/*,*/.venv/*,*/*,*/,*/' src/ test src && coverage report

It'd run the tests then display the .coverage generated by coverage run ... after running.

After installing pytest-django and setting up pytest.ini, I've updated my command to:

coverage run --omit='src/,src/config/*,*/.venv/*,*/*,*/,*/' -m pytest && coverage report

Note, I'm not using pytest-cov just yet.

For some reason I can't figure out, the coverage report is not being displayed after the tests run.

I can run each commands separately:

I just can't get the report to display doing ... && coverage report after switching to pytest-django.

Any reason for this?


coverage = "^6.2"
pytest-django = "^4.7.0"


  • Per the comments, I ended up just making it two separate commands.

    In my Dockerfile:

    RUN coverage run --omit='src/,src/config/*,*/.venv/*,*/*,*/,*/,*/migrations/*,*/' -m pytest -m=ut
    RUN coverage report -m

    And running in the containers with devspace:

              - command: |
                  coverage run --omit='src/,src/config/*,*/.venv/*,*/*,*/,*/,*/migrations/*,*/' -m pytest -m=ut
                  coverage report -m