
How to handle clashing plugins generating code in SBT project?

I am stuck on a problem with my Scala SBT (1.7.2) project.


I already have working configuration to generate code from *.avsc, *.avdl files via "com.julianpeeters" % "sbt-avrohugger" % "2.0.0-RC19" plugin. Now, I must add code generation from *.proto files. I have followed instruction of setting up ScalaPB (from here). Well, protobuf generation works as intended, but for some reason the avro code generation is affected - some files are created, but it looks like the plugin didn't have time to finish up work and just stopped in the middle, making the tests fail in result.



addSbtPlugin("com.julianpeeters" % "sbt-avrohugger" % "2.0.0-RC19")
addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "1.0.7")

libraryDependencies += "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.11.15"


lazy val `job` = (project in file("."))

lazy val avroHuggerSettings = Seq.concat(
    Compile / sourceGenerators += (Compile / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
    Test / sourceGenerators += (Test / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
    IntegrationTest / sourceGenerators += (IntegrationTest / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
    Compile / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/main/resources/avro")),
    Test / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/test/resources/avro")),
    IntegrationTest / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/it/resources/avro")),
    Compile / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes,
    Test / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes,
    IntegrationTest / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes

lazy val protobufSettings = Seq(
  Compile / PB.targets := Seq(
    scalapb.gen() -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value

My Avro files are located in src/main/resources/avro, my Proto files are located in src/main/protobuf.

With such setup my proto files are generated correctly, but only some of the avro files are done. Mind you, both plugins generate code into target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main, but into different packages.

Output logs snippet (sbt assembly):

[info] Considering source directories ...resources/avro
[info] Compiling AVSC ... .avsc to .../target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main/compiled_avro
[info] Compiling AVSC ... .avsc to .../target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main/compiled_avro
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling 4 protobuf files to .../target/scala-2.12/src_managed/main
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] Compiling Avro IDL ... .avdl
[info] compiling 139 Scala sources to .../target/scala-2.12/classes
[info] done compiling
//same as above but for some test avro classes
//failing test output
[error] (Test / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 9 s, completed Jun 5, 2024, 4:11:10 PM

My attempts to fix:

I am not good with the SBT so it was a trial and error, but I've tried to make either plugin run before the other one, with no results. I tried to use the examples from this stack thread, like that:

lazy val generateAvro = taskKey[Unit]("Avro task")
lazy val generateProto = taskKey[Unit]("Proto task")

generateAvro := {
  println("Starting avro task ...")
  //tried both with Seq() and without, doesn't matter
      Compile / sourceGenerators += (Compile / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
      Test / sourceGenerators += (Test / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
      IntegrationTest / sourceGenerators += (IntegrationTest / avroScalaGenerate).taskValue,
      Compile / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/main/resources/avro")),
      Test / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/test/resources/avro")),
      IntegrationTest / avroSourceDirectories := Seq(new"${baseDirectory.value}/src/it/resources/avro")),
      Compile / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes,
      Test / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes,
      IntegrationTest / avroScalaCustomTypes := avroCustomTypes,
      (Compile / avroScalaGenerate).value // tried with and without it
  println("Avro task ended")

generateProto := {
  println("Starting proto task ...")
  Compile / PB.targets := Seq(
    scalapb.gen() -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value

  println("Proto task ended")

Compile / compile := Def.taskDyn {
  val result = (Compile / compile).value
  Def.task {
    val _ = generateProto.value

Unfortunately it does not work, I guess that the content of those tasks is merely a config for the plugins, that work independently from my will during the compilation, right?

Please, show me some guidance how could I make those plugins work together in SBT? Making those plugins work in some orchestrated way, change the configuration for any of it, anything to get all the files generate please.


  • Scalapb cleans up the output directory. The solution will be to generate to a subdir:

    scalapb.gen() -> (Compile / sourceManaged).value / "scalapb"