
Dyalog APL: How to write array of Objects to XML File?

I have Object class like that:

:Class People     
  :Field Public Type ← 'contact'
  :Field Public Name ← ⍬   
  :Field Public Company ← ⍬         
  :Field Public Position ← ⍬
  :Field Public Fax ← ⍬
  :Field Public Email ← ⍬
  ∇ make args
    :Access Public 
    :Implements Constructor
    Name ← args[1]
    Company ← args[2]
    Position ← args[3]
    ⎕ ← 'New people maked'


And I have an array of Objects of People class

  Peoples ← (⎕New People ('Name1' 'Company1' 'Founder')) (⎕New People ('Name2' 'Company2' 'Founder'))
New people maked
New people maked
#.[People]  #.[People]

How do I export Peoples to an xml file? And then import an array from xml?

The task is to save the array and load it from the file when you restart it.


  • Look into the system function ⎕XML and decide on a way to represent your fields as XML.

    You may bump into a problem with your field values being nested scalars. This is because you use args[1] etc. instead of 1⊃args etc. or simply (Name Company Position)←args.

    With the nesting problem resolved, we can add a method to generate part of the matrix that ⎕XML needs. I've decided on a simple schema here, but you can make it whatever you want:

    :Class People
        :Field Public Type ← 'contact'
        :Field Public Name ← ⍬
        :Field Public Company ← ⍬
        :Field Public Position ← ⍬
        :Field Public Fax ← ⍬
        :Field Public Email ← ⍬
        ∇ make args
          :Access Public
          :Implements Constructor
          (Name Company Position)←args
          ⎕←'New people maked'
        ∇ nvm←XmlMat
          :Access public
          nvm←1 'People' ''⍪↑{2 ⍵(⍕⍎⍵)}¨⎕NL ¯2
    ││1│People  │        │││1│People  │        ││
    ││2│Company │Company1│││2│Company │Company2││
    ││2│Email   │        │││2│Email   │        ││
    ││2│Fax     │        │││2│Fax     │        ││
    ││2│Name    │Name1   │││2│Name    │Name2   ││
    ││2│Position│Founder │││2│Position│Founder ││
    ││2│Type    │contact │││2│Type    │contact ││

    Here's then a function that takes a vector of Peoples and constructs the final argument to supply ⎕XML:

     ToXML←{⎕XML 0 'Peoples' ''⍪⊃⍪⌿⍵.XmlMat}
          ToXML Peoples

    Writing the XML to a file is a simple as:

    'peoples.xml'⎕NPUT⍨ToXML Peoples

    Next, we want to load the XML and create People objects from it. Getting the XML content into matrix form is easy (output abbreviated for brevity):

    │0│Peoples │        │   │3│
    │1│People  │        │   │3│
    │2│Company │Company1│   │5│
    : :        :        :   : :

    We're only interested in the first three columns, which are XML nesting level, name, and value:

    (level name value)←↓3↑⍉⎕XML⊃⎕NGET'peoples.xml'

    We can now partition the names and values that belong together:


    Let's amend the class with a niladic constructor so we can set the field values after construction:

    :Class People
        :Field Public Type ← 'contact'
        :Field Public Name ← ⍬
        :Field Public Company ← ⍬
        :Field Public Position ← ⍬
        :Field Public Fax ← ⍬
        :Field Public Email ← ⍬
        ∇ make0
          :Access Public
          :Implements Constructor
          ⎕←'New people maked'
        ∇ make args
          :Access Public
          :Implements Constructor
          (Name Company Position)←args
          ⎕←'New people maked'
        ∇ nvm←XmlMat
          :Access public
          nvm←1 'People' ''⍪↑{2 ⍵(⍕⍎⍵)}¨⎕NL ¯2

    And finally, we can create our FromXML function based on the above experiments:

         (level name value)←↓3↑⍉⎕XML ⍵
         (names values)←name value⊆¨⍨⊂2=level
         names{p⊣(p←⎕NEW People)⍎(∊' ',¨⍺),'←⍵'}¨values
    New people maked
    New people maked
     #.[People]  #.[People]