How can I retrieve values from the plugin config for a specific sales channel? I need to validate an API-Token, but can only retrieve the value stored for all sales channels and don't know how my custom admin component could even know about its current sales channel.
Currently, I am retrieving values via the following code, which follows the example plugin from Shopware, but they too only retrieve the global value.
Component.register('my-component', {
computed: {
getMyKey() {
return this.pluginConfig['MyPlugin.config.myKey'];
pluginConfig() {
let $parent = this.$parent;
while ($parent.actualConfigData === undefined) {
$parent = $parent.$parent;
return $parent.actualConfigData.null;
I was finally able to retrieve values for the currently selected sales channel:
const getParentWithConfig = () => {
let $parent = this.$parent;
while ($parent.actualConfigData === undefined) {
$parent = $parent.$parent;
return $parent;
const salesChannelId = this.getParentWithConfig().currentSalesChannelId;
const values = this.systemConfigApiService.getValues('MyPlugin.config', salesChannelId);