
How to export Sectigo Code Signing Certificate to PFX for Electron Forge's Windows Code Signing?

I am building an Electron Forge app. I believe if I sign my app as my llc I will avoid the "Unknown Developer" popups users get when they run my exe. I'm doing this because the error is a scary UX.

I am trying to get a pfx file out of Sectigo usb to enable signing my app with a github action. I understand a usb wasn't always required.

Here are the steps I expect to follow based on Electron Forge's documentation:

      name: '@electron-forge/maker-squirrel',
      config: {
        certificateFile: './cert.pfx', <- I need this pfx file
        certificatePassword: process.env.CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD // <- This is the email password I asusme

What I tried to get a pfx file

Here are some of the ways I've tried to get the PFX. Sectigo's Knowledge Base is incredibly difficult to navigate and understand. I don't see one example of my pfx use case. Searching pfx only brings up an article that assumes you already have one.

Using SafeNet

Using certmgr

Signing it by hand

signtool sign /sha1 THUMBPRINT_OF_CERTIFICATE /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 /ksp "SafeNet Key Storage Provider" "path\to\program.exe"

This gives me

SignTool Error: Multiple certificates were found that meet all the given
        criteria. Use the /a option to allow SignTool to choose the best
        certificate automatically or use the /sha1 option with the hash of the
        desired certificate.
The following certificates meet all given criteria:
    Issued to: 12a07552-4d30-4fca-846c-a8be84912193
    Issued by: 12a07552-4d30-4fca-846c-a8be84912193
    Expires:   Sat Mar 29 01:32:52 2025
    SHA1 hash: HASH_ONE

    Issued to: 2f31b0a3-ea27-4cd2-9667-2b0d00c33f1d
    Issued by: 2f31b0a3-ea27-4cd2-9667-2b0d00c33f1d
    Expires:   Tue Mar 25 20:44:51 2025
    SHA1 hash: HASH_TWO

    Issued to: MY COMPANY LLC
    Issued by: Sectigo Public Code Signing CA R36
    Expires:   Thu May 22 18:59:59 2025

Despite running the signing command with /a and /sha1, this error is all i get.

Physical Device Requirement

I sort of understand that Microsoft now requires a physical device to sign apps. Does that mean that it will be impossible to sign my app with CI? Not having to build my apps by hand saves me thousands of human errors.

Some Links I found

What my key looks like

My Token My Certificate


  • I am trying to get a pfx file out of Sectigo usb to enable signing my app with a github action. I understand a usb wasn't always required.

    This is not possible, you can't extract the private key from the USB token to a file based keystore. The new code signing keys delivered since June 1, 2023 must be stored on a hardware storage module.

    Instead of creating a pfx file you have to set the signWithParams parameter in the squirrel configuration and specify the signtool parameters to use the USB token.

    Something like this:

    "makers": [
        "name": "@electron-forge/maker-squirrel",
        "config": {
          "signWithParams": " /a /tr /fd SHA256 /td SHA256 /sha1 [thumbprint]"