I am using pyMuPdf library to extract images from a pdf file.
I want to get the position of the images (origin) and the size of them.
I could get the sizes. However I can't get the position correctly using:
def extract_images_from_pdf(_input_pdf_file_name, _output_folder):
_pdf_file_document = fitz.open(_input_pdf_file_name)
for _page_index, _page in enumerate(_pdf_file_document): # Get the page itself
_images_list = _pdf_file_document.get_page_images(pno=_page_index, full=True) # Get image list for this page
for _image_index, _image in enumerate(_images_list):
_xref = _image[0]
_base_image = _pdf_file_document.extract_image(_xref)
_image_bytes = _base_image["image"]
_image = PILImage.open(BytesIO(_image_bytes))
_output_image_name = f"{_output_folder}/image_{_image_index + 1:04d}.png"
_image.save(open(_output_image_name, "wb"))
I can process each images and extract them.
However,I am having trouble retrieving the original position of those images.
I want to get each pages as an image, getting each images in that page and then get the origin point and the size of those extracted images. I am using the following code to get the origin, but from one reason, I am not getting the origin position correctly.
def get_image_origins(_input_pdf_file_name, _page_index):
_pdf_file_document = fitz.open(_input_pdf_file_name)
_image_list = _pdf_file_document.get_page_images(pno=_page_index, full=True)
_image_bounding_boxes = []
for _image_index, _image_item in enumerate(_image_list):
_image_code_name = _image_item[7]
# The format of _image_bounding_box is (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) for each images inside the page.
_image_rects = _pdf_file_document[_page_index].get_image_rects(_image_code_name, transform=True)
_image_box = _pdf_file_document[_page_index].get_image_bbox(_image_item, transform=True)
if len(_image_rects) > 0:
_image_bounding_box, _ = _image_rects[0]
return _image_bounding_boxes
Please help.
Here is the solution / code by using that you can get the position of the image (x0, y0, x1, y1) from the PDF document
import fitz # PyMuPDF
import pytesseract
from PIL import Image
import io
import os
def extract_images(pdf_path):
# Open the PDF document using PyMuPDF (fitz)
pdf_document = fitz.open(pdf_path)
# Initialize a list to store data for each page
pages_data = []
# Iterate through each page in the PDF document
for page_num in range(len(pdf_document)):
# Load the current page
page = pdf_document.load_page(page_num)
# Get a list of images on the current page (with full details)
images = page.get_images(full=True)
# Initialize a dictionary to store image data for the current page
page_data = {'images': []}
# Iterate through each image on the page
for img_index, img in enumerate(images):
# Get the reference number (xref) of the image
xref = img[0]
# Extract the image using its reference number
base_image = pdf_document.extract_image(xref)
# Get the image bytes
image_bytes = base_image["image"]
# Create a PIL image from the image bytes
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image_bytes))
# Get the rectangle coordinates of the image on the page
img_rect = page.get_image_rects(xref)[0]
coords = (img_rect.x0, img_rect.y0, img_rect.x1, img_rect.y1)
# Append the image and its coordinates to the page data
page_data['images'].append({'image': image, 'coords': coords})
# Append the current page's data to the list of pages data
# Return the list containing data of all pages
return pages_data
For above code I am using below package and python version: