Arrays in Java are limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE
for initial capacity & indexable elements (around 2 billion). I would like to write a data structure class that uses a long
for this instead.
I know there are two methods in wide circulation:
to manually allocate and access large slabs of memoryI don't want to use an array of arrays and using sun.misc.Unsafe
is heavily discouraged, producing compilation warnings that cannot be silenced using ordinary methods.
Starting in Java 9 there began efforts to standardize & replace sun.misc.Unsafe
with the addition of java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
in JEP 193. Then in Java 22 there was the addition of java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment
in JEP 454. JEP 471 coming in Java 23 is going to deprecate the memory access methods in sun.misc.Unsafe
for removal.
So it seems like there should be a way to use the existing VarHandle
and MemorySegment
APIs to write a long array in Java. How do I do this?
You can use SegmentAllocator::allocate(MemoryLayout,long)
to create a MemorySegment
that can be used as an array of "objects" represented by the given MemoryLayout
. Then you can wrap the segment in a Java class to encapsulate the "array access".
Note this means the data has to be able to be put into off-heap memory. In other words, the data has to be a Java primitive or, for more complex types, a MemorySegment
. You won't be able to fill the array with arbitrary Java reference types. If you want to treat complex elements as Java objects, you'll have to write a class that wraps the MemorySegment
. Or at least, that's the only approach I'm aware of.
For primitive types, this is relatively easy:
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
import java.util.Objects;
public final class LargeIntArray {
public static final ValueLayout.OfInt LAYOUT = ValueLayout.JAVA_INT_UNALIGNED;
private final MemorySegment segment;
private final long length;
public LargeIntArray(SegmentAllocator allocator, long length) {
this.segment = allocator.allocate(LAYOUT, length);
this.length = length;
public MemorySegment address() {
return MemorySegment.ofAddress(segment.address());
public int get(long index) {
return segment.getAtIndex(LAYOUT, index);
public void set(long index, int element) {
segment.setAtIndex(LAYOUT, index, element);
public long length() {
return length;
There are ValueLayout.OfXXX
interfaces for each of the primitive Java types.
For more complex data types, you will be working with MemorySegment
instead of primitive types:
import java.lang.foreign.AddressLayout;
import java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
public final class LargeArray {
private final MemorySegment segment;
private final long length;
private final AddressLayout layout;
public LargeArray(SegmentAllocator allocator, MemoryLayout elementLayout, long length) {
this.segment = allocator.allocate(elementLayout, length);
this.layout = ValueLayout.ADDRESS.withTargetLayout(elementLayout);
this.length = length;
public AddressLayout layout() {
return layout;
public MemorySegment address() {
return MemorySegment.ofAddress(segment.address());
public MemorySegment get(long index) {
return segment.getAtIndex(layout, index);
public void set(long index, MemorySegment element) {
segment.setAtIndex(layout, index, element);
public long length() {
return length;
One potential improvement is to create a Java class that wraps the MemorySegment
representing the "objects". This will make working with the array more natural on the Java side. First, you need a generic way to map between MemorySegment
and a Java class:
import java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
public interface ElementDescriptor<T> {
public static <T> ElementDescriptor<T> of(
MemoryLayout layout,
Function<MemorySegment, T> toElement,
Function<T, MemorySegment> toAddress) {
return new ElementDescriptor<>() {
public MemoryLayout layout() {
return layout;
public T elementFrom(MemorySegment segment) {
if (segment.equals(MemorySegment.NULL)) {
return null;
return toElement.apply(segment);
public MemorySegment addressOf(T element) {
if (element == null) {
return MemorySegment.NULL;
return toAddress.apply(element);
MemoryLayout layout();
T elementFrom(MemorySegment segment);
MemorySegment addressOf(T element);
Then you need to update LargeArray
to work with the above:
import java.lang.foreign.AddressLayout;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator;
import java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout;
public final class LargeArray<T> {
private final MemorySegment segment;
private final long length;
private final AddressLayout layout;
private final ElementDescriptor<T> descriptor;
public LargeArray(SegmentAllocator allocator, long length, ElementDescriptor<T> descriptor) {
this.segment = allocator.allocate(descriptor.layout(), length);
this.layout = ValueLayout.ADDRESS.withTargetLayout(descriptor.layout());
this.length = length;
this.descriptor = descriptor;
public AddressLayout layout() {
return layout;
public MemorySegment address() {
return MemorySegment.ofAddress(segment.address());
public T get(long index) {
return descriptor.elementFrom(segment.getAtIndex(layout, index));
public void set(long index, T element) {
segment.setAtIndex(layout, index, descriptor.addressOf(element));
public long length() {
return length;
And finally, you need a data structure. For example, here is a Point
struct with x
and y
import static java.lang.foreign.ValueLayout.JAVA_INT;
import java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout;
import java.lang.foreign.MemoryLayout.PathElement;
import java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment;
import java.lang.foreign.SegmentAllocator;
import java.lang.foreign.StructLayout;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.util.Objects;
public final class Point {
public static final StructLayout LAYOUT;
public static final ElementDescriptor<Point> DESCRIPTOR;
private static final VarHandle X;
private static final VarHandle Y;
static {
LAYOUT = MemoryLayout.structLayout(JAVA_INT.withName("x"), JAVA_INT.withName("y"));
var x = LAYOUT.varHandle(PathElement.groupElement("x"));
X = MethodHandles.insertCoordinates(x, 1, 0L);
var y = LAYOUT.varHandle(PathElement.groupElement("y"));
Y = MethodHandles.insertCoordinates(y, 1, 0L);
DESCRIPTOR = ElementDescriptor.of(LAYOUT, Point::new, Point::address);
private final MemorySegment segment;
public Point(SegmentAllocator allocator) {
segment = allocator.allocate(LAYOUT);
public Point(MemorySegment segment) {
this.segment = Objects.requireNonNull(segment);
public MemorySegment address() {
return MemorySegment.ofAddress(segment.address());
public int getX() {
return (int) X.get(segment);
public void setX(int x) {
X.set(segment, x);
public int getY() {
return (int) Y.get(segment);
public void setY(int y) {
Y.set(segment, y);
public String toString() {
return "Point(x=" + getX() + ", y=" + getY() + ")";
Here is an example of using a LargeArray<Point>
import java.lang.foreign.Arena;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
try (var arena = Arena.ofConfined()) {
var array = new LargeArray<Point>(arena, 10L, Point.DESCRIPTOR);
// populate array
for (long i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
var point = new Point(arena);
point.setX((int) i);
point.setY((int) i * 2);
array.set(i, point);
// show modification of element in array
var midPoint = array.get(5L);
// print array contents
for (long i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
System.out.printf("array[%d] = %s%n", i, array.get(i));
array[0] = Point(x=0, y=0)
array[1] = Point(x=1, y=2)
array[2] = Point(x=2, y=4)
array[3] = Point(x=3, y=6)
array[4] = Point(x=4, y=8)
array[5] = Point(x=42, y=117)
array[6] = Point(x=6, y=12)
array[7] = Point(x=7, y=14)
array[8] = Point(x=8, y=16)
array[9] = Point(x=9, y=18)
Few notes:
The above examples are not necessarily the best ways to implement "large arrays" with FFM.
You may want to have the array classes implement Iterable
You may want to add one or more constructors that accept MemorySegment
to the array classes. This would facilitate using arrays allocated in native code. Make sure the MemorySegment
is of the correct size in those cases; see the reinterpret
methods. That last bit also applies to classes like Point
You may want to add the ability to choose between aligned and unaligned.
It may be better to use segment.reinterpret(0L)
to return the address of the array/data structure so that the returned MemorySegment
has the same scope instead of always being in the global scope.