
How to extract Python Function Using C#?

I have a C# code snippet that reads a Python file and prints the function specified by the functionName variable. Here's the code:

Please find the provided C# code:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var pythonFilePath = @"C:\\Users\\batchus\\source\\repos\\app\\";  // replace with your Python file path
        var functionName = "processS";  // replace with the name of the function you want to extract

        var pythonCode = File.ReadAllText(pythonFilePath);
        var functionPattern = $@"def {functionName}\(.*?def ";
        var functionMatch = Regex.Match(pythonCode, functionPattern, RegexOptions.Singleline);

        if (functionMatch.Success)
            // We add "def " at the end to the match to make it a complete function.
            // We subtract 5 because "def " has 4 characters and Regex.Match also adds an extra character.
            Console.WriteLine(functionMatch.Value.Substring(0, functionMatch.Value.Length - 5));
            Console.WriteLine($"Function '{functionName}' not found.");

However, my current implementation doesn't handle all scenarios for extracting the function. I'm wondering if there are any best practices or C# NuGet packages that could help me improve this functionality. Please provide inputs

Thanks in advance


  • Hi I hope you can use Abstract Syntax Trees to get the function name rather than using regex as it will not give you correct results.

    Create a new python file called and code will be like this

    import ast
    def find_methods_in_python_file(file_path):
        methods = []
        o = open(file_path, "r")
        text =
        p = ast.parse(text)
        for node in ast.walk(p):
            if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
        return methods

    and you can call the function as


    You can modific the python method find_methods_in_python_file to return function names. You can use the Python.Net to call the find_methods_in_python_file method from .cs file

    Hope this helps if you find this option can be considered please vote up.