
Where are Vagrant symbols (special values) documented?

Both in the documentations of Vagrantfile and in different Vagrantfile files we find symbols like the following:

:id, :ssl, :plaintext, :negotiate :auto, :linux, :windows.

Where are those symbols (special values) documented?

What is the right name for them? Symbols, special variables, special values ...?


  • As pointed out by @Menelaos the documentation is in Vagrant GitHub repository in the MDX-files.

    A grep of the pattern "\`:[^\` ]*\`" gets all the "special symbols" mentioned in the MDX-files:

    $ cd /path/to/vagrant_repo
    $ find . -name "*.mdx" -type f -exec grep -iPo "\`:[^\` ]*\`" {} \; | sort | uniq

    Or a complete grep of all "special symbols" to find all places in the documentation where a "special symbol" is used:

    $ find . -name "*.mdx" -type f -exec grep -iPo "\`:[^\` ]*\`" {} \; \
        | sort \
        | uniq \
        | xargs -Ixxx find . -name "*.mdx" -exec grep --color=always -Hne xxx {} \;
    ./website/content/docs/vagrantfile/ssh_settings.mdx:155:  default value is `:never`. The other options are `:accept_new_or_local_tunnel`,
    ./website/content/docs/vagrantfile/ssh_settings.mdx:156:  `:accept_new`, or `:always`, which each refer to one of
    ./website/content/docs/triggers/configuration.mdx:102:  - `:action` - Action triggers run before or after a Vagrant action
    ./website/content/docs/provisioning/basic_usage.mdx:27:  values are `:each` or `:all`, which makes the provisioner run before each and
    ./website/content/docs/cloud-init/configuration.mdx:49:config.vm.cloud_init :user_data, content_type: "text/cloud-config", path: "config.cfg"
    ./website/content/docs/cloud-init/configuration.mdx:51:config.vm.cloud_init :user_data do |cloud_init|
    ./website/content/docs/cloud-init/configuration.mdx:57:However, this is not a requirement. Leaving off `type` will default to `:user_data`.
    ./website/content/docs/cloud-init/configuration.mdx:60:  cloud-init config. Currently, the only supported `type` is `:user_data`. If a type
    ./website/content/docs/cloud-init/configuration.mdx:61:  is not defined, it will default to `:user_data`.
    ./website/content/docs/vagrantfile/machine_settings.mdx:137:  proper distro. However, this should be changed to `:windows` for Windows guests.
    ./website/content/docs/vagrantfile/winrm_settings.mdx:18:These settings are only used if you've set your communicator type to `:winrm`.