I would like to use ninja to build and cmake to output a sln file so we can use the debug features in vs19.
Just open the CMake project in Visual Studio directly.
Well, this works for simple cmake-based C/C++ projects. But it assumes you don't specify any cmake options, i.e. -DOPTION_A=VALUE_A
, etc. When there's some options to specify during cmake configure, edit CMake cache via GUI (e.g. CMake-GUI, Visual Studio) is a bad idea. It's time wasting.
What this question asks, is more like this:
cmake -S . -B build -DOPTION_A=VALUE_A -DOPTION_B=VALUE_B -G "Ninja Multi-Config" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/work/WindowsToolchain/Windows.MSVC.toolchain.cmake
And it generates to build
directory, at least those files:
-- CMakeFiles/
-- Debug/
-- Release/
-- RelWithDebInfo/
-- build.ninja
-- build-Debug.ninja
-- build-Release.ninja
-- build-RelWithDebInfo.ninja
-- cmake_install.cmake
-- CMakeCache.txt
-- test.sln
-- test.vcxproj
To do so, one might use this simple CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.25)
add_executable(test test.cpp)
configure_file(test.sln.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test.sln @ONLY)
configure_file(test.vcxproj ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/test.vcxproj @ONLY)
And also have ninja.exe
, vswhere.exe
installed. Then the aforementioned cmake configure step generates what we expected, among which the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE is part of https://github.com/MarkSchofield/WindowsToolchain .
And in the template file test.vcxprojc.in
, invoke cmake for configure, build and clean task:
<Target Name="Configure">
<Message Text="Configure: mode=$(Configuration), arch=$(Platform)" />
<Exec Command="cmake -S . -B build" ConsoleToMsbuild="true" WorkingDirectory=".." />
<Target Name="Build">
<Message Text="Build" />
<CallTarget Targets="Configure" />
<Exec Command="cmake --build build --config $(Configuration)" ConsoleToMsBuild="true" WorkingDirectory=".." />
<Target Name="Clean>
<Message Text="Clean" />
<Exec Command="cmake --build build --target clean --config $(Configuration)" ConsoleToMsBuild="true" WorkingDirectory=".." />
NOTE: this is just a very naive demo, but far better that directly using Visual Studio to open a directory that contains a CMakeLists.txt.