I am new to learning Z3 and trying to solve the 'SEND + MORE = MONEY' puzzle with it. I have solved a couple of bugs by copying others' code, but I don't really understand why it works.
from z3 import *
digits = Ints('s e n d m o r y')
s,e,n,d,m,o,r,y = digits
sendmore = 1000*s+100*e+10*n+d+1000*m+100*o+10*r+e
money = 10000*m+1000*o+100*n+10*e+y
solver = Solver()
solver.add([s>0, m>0])
for d in digits:
solver.add([d>=0, d<=9])
solver.add( sendmore == money )
print(solver.check()) #sat
solver.add( 1000*s+100*e+10*n+d+1000*m+100*o+10*r+e == 10000*m+1000*o+100*n+10*e+y )
print(solver.check()) #unsat
Initially, I used the second method and found it unsat. Therefore, I googled a solution which is the first method, and it returns sat. So what makes the difference?
from z3 import *
digits = Ints('s e n d m o r y')
s,e,n,d,m,o,r,y = digits
solver = Solver()
solver.add([s>0, m>0])
for d in digits:
solver.add([d>=0, d<=9])
sendmore = 1000*s+100*e+10*n+d+1000*m+100*o+10*r+e
money = 10000*m+1000*o+100*n+10*e+y
solver.add( sendmore == money )
print(solver.check()) #unsat
So I was messing around with the code and accidentally found that moving the definition of sendmore and money also affects the result. Why?
Edit: I just replaced the for loop with solver.add([And(d>=0, d<=9) for d in digits])
, and everything just went perfectly sat, still don't know why.
The flaw is in the for
loop to delimit the range of digits
solver = Solver()
solver.add([s>0, m>0])
for dig in digits:
solver.add([dig>=0, dig<=9])
solver.add( 1000*s+100*e+10*n+d+1000*m+100*o+10*r+e == 10000*m+1000*o+100*n+10*e+y )
res = solver.check()
if res == sat:
M = solver.model()
The loop variable d
clashed with the decision variable d
Thus, it has to be renamed.