
How to safely access vector references in C++14

I have a class managing vector data using the singleton pattern.

class DataManager
    static DataManager& GetInstance() {
        static DataManager instance;
        return instance;
    const vector<int>& GetData() const{return data;}
    void SetData(vector<int>& data_)
    vector<int> data;

I need to access this data and modify it within a thread. However, if the data is released while accessing it, the program will throw an error.

I made the following attempts:

Pass the lock as a parameter:

class DataManager
    const std::vector<int>& GetRects(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock) const
        lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m_mutex_data);
        return data;
    mutable std::mutex m_mutex_data;

This can work, but it's strange. Is there a better way?


  • Returning a lock and relying on the user of the class to unlock is very shaky.

    You mentioned that you need to modify the data in a thread-safe way.

    For this you can add a public method to DataManager that will accept a callable that will modify the data, and invoke it under the lock.

    Something like (just a sketch):

    class DataManager
       template <typename T>
       void TransformDataUnderLock(T && transformer)
           std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex_data);
       // ...
       std::vector<int> data;
       mutable std::mutex m_mutex_data;


    1. You should also apply similar scope locking in your SetData method (or any other method that accesses data).

    2. This patern might not protect against a mallicious user, but it will protect against accidental wrong usage of the accessed data and the lock (which can be much more common).

    3. This pattern might cause a deadlock due to the fact that the lock is held during invocation of the transformer code which you have no control over. But as long as it is a simple transformation of the data you should be fine.