
NextJS Sidebar How to push routes on the main content

I have a sidebar in a NextJS application and a main component placed in a row. The Sidebar has multiple items clicking on each item updates the main-content <Preview/> by pushing a route (Updates the url), But this is rerendering both sidebar and main-content. My understanding is the components are incorrectly placed which is causing the issue. Right now I have placed both sidebar and main component inside the <Home/>

How should the folder structure and components structure be? Consider that Main component is a dynamic component (renders based on id passed to it).

This is the folder structure

Folder Structure

project-root /
    │    ├── app /
    │    │   ├── models /
    │    │   │   ├── Log.ts
    │    │   ├── services /
    │    │   │   ├── LogService.ts
    │    │   ├── components /
    │    │   │   ├── Sidebar.tsx
    │    │   │   ├── Navbar.tsx
    │    │   │   ├── Preview.tsx
    │    │   │   └── Home.tsx
    │    │   │   │
    │    │   ├── logs /
    │    │   │   ├──[id]
    │    │   │   │   ├── page.tsx
    │    │   └── layout.tsx
    │    │   └── global.css
    │    │   └── page.tsx

This is the dynamic page logs/[id]/page.tsx

// logs/[id]/page.tsx
import Home from '@/app/_components/Home';
import LogService from '../../_services/logService';

// This is required for dynamic routing in runtime
export const dynamicParams = true;

export async function generateStaticParams() {
    const logService = new LogService();
    const logs = await logService.fetchLogs();
    return => ({ id: }));

export default function Page({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) {
    const { id } = params;
    return <Home id={id} />
// _components/Home.tsx

"use client";

import IconButton from "./IconButton";
import PSNavbar from "./PSNavbar";
import Pastelog from "./Pastelog";
import Preview from './Preview';
import Sidebar from './Sidebar';
import { Theme } from './ThemeSwitcher';

export default function Home({ id }: { id: string | null }) {
    const [showSideBar, setShowSideBar] = useState<boolean>(true);
    const [logs, setLogs] = useState<Log[]>([]);
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
    const [selectedLogId, setSelectedLogId] = useState<string | null>(id);


    return (
        <div className={`flex h-screen ${theme == Theme.DARK ? 'darkTheme' : 'lightTheme'}`}>
                (showSideBar && <IconButton
                    onClick={() => setShowSideBar(!showSideBar)}>
                    <ViewSidebarRoundedIcon />

                {showSideBar && (
                        onLogClick={(id) => {
                            if (id) {
                            } else {

            {/* Main content */}
            <div className={`grow overflow-y-auto transition-all duration-800 ${showSideBar ? 'pl-64' : 'pl-0'}`}>
                <div className="flex flex-col h-full">
                        onToggleSidebar={() => setShowSideBar(!showSideBar)}
                        selectedLogId ? (<Preview
                        />) :
                            (<Pastelog />)

The issue with this approach is I would like to update the url when a list item is selected in the sidebar It works, but this is triggering rerendering of the entire home page (expected), but I would expect only main content to be rendered.

Also if a user visits the website with a link <baseurl>/sidebar-item, I would expect the app to load with sidebar-item selected (This is working fine as of now)

Complete source code here

This is the output of the above code which shows the sidebar rerendering

enter image description here


  • If sidebar content is common for all the page then you can move sidebar component to layout file. for example:

    export default function Layout ({ children } : { children : React.ReactNode}) {
     return <>
      <Sidebar />
      {children} //page content will go here