
Linear Interpolation in (Kdb+/ Q)

I have a pivoted table in Kdb+ with columns state, callable, matureyear, couponrate and rating columns. Rating columns are AAA, AA+, AA, AA- which are pivoted columns with yield as values.

State column has data types symbol and values as states CA, TX, NY, etc. Callable column has data types symbol and values Y or N. Couponrate column has data types float and values values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Matureyear column has data types j (long) and values values 1, 2, 3,…,30. AAA, AA+, AA and AA- columns have yield values and float as the data type.


State Callable Couponrate Matureyear AAA AA+ AA AA-
MA Y 1 2 4.34
CA N 5 5 4.64
TX Y 3 10 4.24
PA N 4 5 4.34
NY N 5 5 4.64
TX N 5 10 4.24

I want to fill the missing values for columns AAA, AA+, AA, AA- for the each distinct group (state + callable + couponrate) for matureyear 0 to 30.

I have tried to generate possible combinations of all distinct group.

// Generate all possible combinations of matureyear (0 to 30) for each group 
maxYear: 30; 
uniqueKeys: distinct select state, callable, couponrate from data; 
// Create a table with all possible combinations 
//    of state, callable, couponrate, and matureyear
allMatureYears:raze {x cross enlist each til maxYear + 1} each uniqueKeys;
allMatureYears: (allMatureYears[`state];

However, kdb throws the ‘type error in the cross function.


  • allMatureYears:distinct select state, callable, couponrate from data;
    allMatureYears:update matureyear:count[i]#enlist til maxYear + 1 from allMatureYears
    allMatureYears:ungroup allMatureYears
    allMatureYears: value flip allMatureYears