I am using a stacked raster with the following properties:
class : RasterStack
dimensions : 116, 62, 7192, 100 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
resolution : 200, 200 (x, y)
extent : 501829.3, 514229.3, 3838920, 3862120 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
crs : +proj=utm +zone=36 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
names : Realization_1, Realization_2, Realization_3, Realization_4, Realization_5, Realization_6, Realization_7, Realization_8, Realization_9, Realization_10, Realization_11, Realization_12, Realization_13, Realization_14, Realization_15, ...
min values : 0.2835853, 0.2561096, 0.3094338, 0.2750784, 0.3269123, 0.3061016, 0.3261848, 0.2906344, 0.3147314, 0.2518777, 0.3202900, 0.3056327, 0.3103129, 0.3044279, 0.2978966, ...
max values : 0.8998597, 0.9295183, 0.8803385, 0.9196700, 0.8673874, 0.8853973, 0.8788281, 0.8999460, 0.8963305, 0.9357309, 0.8737690, 0.8818156, 0.8567144, 0.8692995, 0.8821410, ...
and I would like to calculate, at every pixel, the average value from all layers using the following command:
r_FI_mean = raster::calc(rstack_FI, fun = mean);
However, I get the following error:
Error: unable to find an inherited method for function ‘calc’ for signature ‘x = "RasterStack", fun = "numeric"’
when I use the same command to calculate the min or max value, no error message occurs.
No need to use calc. You can compute the mean of a RasterStack
r_FI_mean = mean(rstack_FI)