I want to display counts of a certain feature according to the year with an Altair Chart and I want to do it by selecting year as an option of a dropdown selector. It works fine with the 'None' option (so it selects the whole dataset) but nothing is displayed when I switch year.
You can see below when it works and when it does not : When it works When it doesn't work
Here is my code :
year_dropdown = alt.binding_select(
options = [None] + list(africa_metadata.year.unique()),
labels = ["All"] +list(africa_metadata.year.unique()),
year_selector = alt.selection_point(
fields = ['year'],
bind = year_dropdown,
sort=[alt.SortField("count", order="descending")]
alt.X('lineage:N', sort=alt.EncodingSortField(op='count', order='descending')),
Here is a fraction of my dataset : dataset.head(3)
accession continent completeness length lineage date year month country region
0 PP518589.1 Africa COMPLETE 29822 A 2020-05-09 2020 05 South Africa None
242 OQ050567.1 Africa COMPLETE 29859 A 2020-05-08 2020 05 Nigeria None
243 OQ050560.1 Africa COMPLETE 29823 A 2020-05-10 2020 05 Nigeria None
244 OQ050510.1 Africa COMPLETE 29875 A 2020-05-08 2020 05 Nigeria None
245 OQ050499.1 Africa COMPLETE 29824 A 2020-04-26 2020 04 Nigeria None
246 OQ050495.1 Africa COMPLETE 29841 A 2020-04-19 2020 04 Nigeria None
247 OQ050456.1 Africa COMPLETE 29845 A 2020-04-23 2020 04 Nigeria None
248 OQ050409.1 Africa COMPLETE 29855 A 2020-03-29 2020 03 Nigeria None
249 OQ050383.1 Africa COMPLETE 29831 A 2020-03-25 2020 03 Nigeria None
250 OQ050376.1 Africa COMPLETE 29768 A 2020-03-29 2020 03 Nigeria None
Can you help me please ? I don't know why it does not work. Tell me if you need more info.
The first aggregate transform returns a new aggregated dataset, which only containing the columns referenced in the transform. This means that the year column is removed from the data at that step, which is why it can't be used in the filter transform afterwards. Move the filter transform ahead of the aggregate transform instead: