
Ignore string containing

Using PCRE2 regex for PHP script replacement

The purpose of this regex is to add ?? '' to a strlen (PHP) function call if it does not currently exist. I plan to use a regex capture group to perform replacements in VS Code using strlen($1 ?? ''). The following text string is used for testing the regex:

$strStatement2 = substr($strStatement3, strlen('my capture group'));  # want a match on `strlen('my capture group')` with a capturing group of `'my capture group'`

$strStatement2 = substr($strStatement3, 0, strlen('my capture group') - 1);  # want a match on `strlen('my capture group')` with a capturing group of `'my capture group'`

$strStatement2 = strlen($doNotWantAMatch ?? '') != strlen('my capture group');  # do not want a match on the first instance of `strlen` since it contains ` ?? ''` but I do want to match the second instance of `strlen('my capture group')`

If I try regex of strlen\((?:(?! ?? '')(.))+\) (assuming the use of /[regex here]/gm) I get matches on the following (after removing the comments from the end of the lines):

$strStatement2 = substr($strStatement3, strlen('my capture group'));

$strStatement2 = substr($strStatement3, 0, strlen('my capture group') - 1);

$strStatement2 = strlen($doNotWantAMatch ?? '') != strlen('my capture group');

This is good because it at least ignores strlen($doNotWantAMatch ?? ''), but the other matches are not correct.

The basic regex I need is strlen\((.+?)\) which forms the capture group for the argument within the strlen function I am trying to replace. A regex of strlen\((?:(?! ?? '')(.+?))\) gets me close as it gives the cature groups, except it fails to ignore a match and capture group for strlen($strStatement3 ?? ''). If I use strlen\(.*?(?: \?\? '')\)|strlen\((.+?)\) I get the capture groups I want (in that it does not create a capture group for strlen($strStatement3 ?? '')) but I do not want the match on strlen($doNotWantAMatch ?? '') (which is being caused by the 'or' |, but by this point I am grasping at straws).

I feel I am close to a solution but I am unable to get across the finish line on this problem. Using for testing.


@anubhava provided the answer and I ended up using strlen\(((?:[^)](?!\?\? ''))+)\) in VSCode to search for instances of strlen() within PHP scripts that needed to default to an empty string for PHPv8.1. if a null value is passed in (since passing a null string to strlen() is now deprecated). This helped me update my old PHP code to PHPv8.1 where many functions need to have something other than null passed into them.


  • You may use this regex to capture text between strlen( and ) that must not contain ??:

    strlen\(((?:[^)](?!\?\? ''))+)\)

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