First post here after driving myself mad trying to find a workable solution to this. I have tried to give as much information as possible in the hopes that somebody can help please!
I am trying to create a timeline based on a table as per the image.
I want the output to look like the right hand diagram but in 5 minute increments to reduce the size of the list as this will run 6am-6am. It will be about 10k rows of data so this is just a snap shot.It will all be on the same worksheet.
The table The columns will always be in the same place. The time is "HH:MM" format. The person name will always be unique.
The output The header row will always be the same. The times should be in increments of 5 minutes so if the time falls between the row time and the time above it then add which player it is. The player should be highlighted in yellow with the cell above being blue.
I have used formulas to get the information in the diagram but with it being so data hungry i suspect it will either crash excel or take 3 weeks to run. Is there a VBA equivalent to this. =IFERROR(INDEX($B:$B,MATCH(G$1&$F2,$C:$C&$A:$A,0)),"")
Microsoft documentation:
Option Explicit
Sub Demo()
Dim i As Long, iCol As Long
Dim arrData, rngData As Range, olRng As Range
Dim arrRes, iR As Long, iM As Long, iH As Long
Dim LastRow As Long, iOffSet As Long
' Init. output table
Columns("F:F").NumberFormatLocal = "hh:mm"
Range("F3").Value = "6:00"
Range("F4:F291").Formula = "=R[-1]C+TIMEVALUE(""0:5:0"")"
' load header location into Dict
Dim objDic As Object, c As Range
Set objDic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
With Range(HEADER_START, Range(HEADER_START).End(xlToRight))
For Each c In Range(HEADER_START, Range(HEADER_START).End(xlToRight)).Cells
objDic(c.Value) = c.Column - Range(HEADER_START).Column
End With
' load data into an array
Set rngData = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
arrData = rngData.Value
' loop through data
For i = LBound(arrData) + 1 To UBound(arrData)
iH = VBA.Hour(arrData(i, 1))
iM = VBA.Minute(arrData(i, 1))
' round to x5/x0 min.
If iM Mod 5 <> 0 Then
iM = iM + (5 - iM Mod 5)
If iM = 60 Then
iH = iH + 1
iM = 0
End If
End If
' before 6am in the next day
If iH < 6 Then iH = iH + 24
iOffSet = ((iH - 6) * 60 + iM) / 5
If objDic.exists(arrData(i, 3)) Then
iCol = objDic(arrData(i, 3))
' populate output table
With Range(HEADER_START).Offset(1, iCol)
CheckOverlap olRng, .Offset(iOffSet)
.Offset(iOffSet).Value = arrData(i, 2)
.Offset(iOffSet).Interior.Color = vbYellow
.Offset(iOffSet - 1).Interior.Color = vbCyan
End With
MsgBox "Missing team in output header: " & arrData(i, 3)
End If
Next i
If Not olRng Is Nothing Then
olRng.Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
End Sub
Sub CheckOverlap(ByRef allRng As Range, cRng As Range)
Dim c As Range
For Each c In cRng.Offset(-1).Resize(3)
If Len(c.Value) > 0 Then
If allRng Is Nothing Then
Set allRng = Application.Union(c, cRng)
Set allRng = Application.Union(allRng, c, cRng)
End If
End If
End Sub