
Bicep Azure Machine learning custom role assignment

List of role assignments:

i want to implement a Data Scientist Custom role. how can i create a role assignment in bicep for this

the documentation gives the following json file

    "Name": "Data Scientist Custom",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "Can run experiment but can't create or delete compute.",
    "Actions": ["*"],
    "NotActions": [
    "AssignableScopes": [


  • You need to do two things: create the custom role and assign the role. The template below:

    1. Fetches the existing machine learning workspace.
    2. Creates a custom role that matches the json from the example.
    3. Assigns it to a principal specified in the parameters.
    targetScope = 'resourceGroup'
    @description('Required. The machine learning workspace name.')
    param machineLearningWorkspaceName string
    @description('Required. The principal type to assign the custom role to.')
    param roleAssignmentPrincipalType string
    @description('Required. The principal id of the principal to assign the custom role to.')
    param roleAssignmentPrincipalId string
    // Get the existing machine learning workspace.
    resource machineLearningWorkspace 'Microsoft.MachineLearning/workspaces@2019-10-01' existing = {
      name: machineLearningWorkspaceName
    // Create the custom role definition.
    resource dataScientistCustomRoleDefinition 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions@2022-04-01' = {
      name: 'mlw-custom-role'
      properties: {
        roleName: 'Custom - Data Scientist'
        description: 'Can run experiments but can\'t create or delete compute.'
        permissions: [
            actions: ['*']
            notActions: [
        assignableScopes: [

    // Assign the role to a principal.
    resource dataScientistCustomRoleRoleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = {
      name: 'mlw-custom-role-assignment'
      scope: machineLearningWorkspace
      properties: {
        principalId: roleAssignmentPrincipalId
        principalType: roleAssignmentPrincipalType